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Tests~tests~testS~(nope, nt the academic ones tis time)
Friday, October 14, 2005

I am bored. I m too lazy to blog. Thus . . .

You tend to deprive yourself of things you crave, for your own good.You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down.

How Do You Live Your Life?

Your kissing Purity Score: 80% Pure

You've hardly ever been kissed
But the kisses you've given are very missed

Kissing Purity Test

You Are 15 Years Old
You Are 15 Years Old
You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
What Age Do You Act?

Your Seduction Style: Prized Object

The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get.You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them.The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase.
You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away.You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance.Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't!
You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors.Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor.You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for.

What Kind of Seducer Are You?

For you, learning a language is about career advancement and communication.Knowing Spanish will bring you tons of possiblities for jobs and travel. Bárbaro!
What Language Should You Learn?

Your Inner Child Is Surprised

You see many things through the eyes of a child.Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.You cherish all of the details in life.Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.

How Is Your Inner Child?

Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical

You blog like no one else is reading...You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose.Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily.But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll!

6:03 PM | back to top
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Tests~tests~testS~(nope, nt the academic ones tis time)
Friday, October 14, 2005

I am bored. I m too lazy to blog. Thus . . .

You tend to deprive yourself of things you crave, for your own good.You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down.

How Do You Live Your Life?

Your kissing Purity Score: 80% Pure

You've hardly ever been kissed
But the kisses you've given are very missed

Kissing Purity Test

You Are 15 Years Old
You Are 15 Years Old
You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
What Age Do You Act?

Your Seduction Style: Prized Object

The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get.You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them.The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase.
You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away.You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance.Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't!
You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors.Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor.You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for.

What Kind of Seducer Are You?

For you, learning a language is about career advancement and communication.Knowing Spanish will bring you tons of possiblities for jobs and travel. Bárbaro!
What Language Should You Learn?

Your Inner Child Is Surprised

You see many things through the eyes of a child.Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.You cherish all of the details in life.Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.

How Is Your Inner Child?

Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical

You blog like no one else is reading...You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose.Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily.But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll!

how come cannot go to the links one? i also wanna do..
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6:03 PM | back to top

about the mEow

mEow loves cat
mEow is cat
mEow has 3 cats
mEow is owned by cats
mEow is owned by a woofy
mEow <3 Woofy

fellow mEow-ers

Those who mEows too
Joshua : Cat no. 1
mEow's Sibling
Kuang: Cat's fish fren
mEow Roams

JB with Val:Dec 2005
Thailand, Phuket : July 2007
Guangzhou: Aug 2007
Taiwan: Jan 2008
Hong Kong: June 2008
Japan: Dec 2008
Genting: Jan 2009
Kuching: Jan 2009
Bintan: Jan 2010
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banner: sweetsugar
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