Dunno wad title to haf wo...
Monday, February 20, 2006
Writing a headline, title is like quite a chore wo...now i m beginnin to know, i am not that creative as i am...or rather..perhaps i shld sae, i WAS creative....?
I guess i dun bother to use too much brains these days? Or perhaps i just dun haf the time to? or perhaps all this are just excuses to let me pretend that i was creative once...?
Anyway, i had an econs quiz on sat. And i tink it sucks. not because of me (totally) but coz i think the lecturer is unprofessional in his setting of the exam paper. (oopz, will i get sued for critising NUS lecturer?) Well, in any case, it is really a fact. I did not make it up. I gt the test paper at hand, black and white. And hello, dun sae i wanna bring in the fee hike incident, but truly, if i want to, i can scream, "WEY~ fees hike up i din complain, fee hike up u all still give us tis standard of work?"
Anyway, lemme tel u wad i mean by they are unprofessional...start exam, 10min later, lecturer says, "Hello, excuse me, please look at qns 35 and 40, the qns are the same. Pls do both."
5min later
"Hello, i change my mind. Please cancel qns 40. the marks will still b 40% weightage, but based on 39qns"
10min later
"Hello, qns 25, please cancel away option E, so there is only 4options"
5min later
"Pls look at qns 5, option D shld be shift to the LEFT, not right"
5min later
"Qns 34, shld be all DVD, not DVE"
Hello, is it too much to ask for, to have less interruptions in that 70min MCQ quiz, which cost lik 40% of the overall grade? And no extra time is given u know. each time with each interruption, haf to stop and look at the qns. den after changing the option, to b on the safe side, i read that amended qns again. den by that time i went back to the qns i was at, i forgot and haf to read again. duh, i tink tis is a waste of my time. they interrupted me, broke my momentum.
I do really tink this is unprofessional. A test paper with 40% weightage shld at least be vetted rite? If it is vetted and such things stil happen, can i sae "Bless You?"
And, 聪明就好,不要假聪明....u know, dun "gei kiang". We haf tis qns in our exam. Is it me or is it the qns's being subjective that makes the ans subjective?
Qns: The demand curve for Nokia should be ________ than the demand curve for mobile phones in general. a) more elastic b) as elastic c) less elastic d) sometimes more sometimes less elastic e) None of the above
Is it me? But i do not know what is the ans. I made a guess. I think using nokia as a critical factor in deciding the correct answer for this qns is .... well, i mean if i am a samsung user, i would tink that Samsung is good, market share is big, demand for it is inelastic because everyone LOVES Samsung...Imagine. Yet if i am a Sony Ericsson user, i LOVE my phone. Everywher i go ppl use my k750i, I tink S.E haf the biggest market share, demand for it is inelastic...
Ok, my point is, tis qns appears to me as being subjective. There is no concrete proof to show wad the answer could haf been. And also, they did not state the timeline. mayb 5yrs ago, the answer is clear. Is tis qns referring to nokia's demand curve as of now? I think if they wanna set such qns to show tt econs is closely related to our life, they shld gif some background infor on Nokia in the qns itself so that the qns is less subjective. Wad do i mean by being Gei Kiang? Tis way lo. Trying to show that u are cleber to link econs with daily life, yet it fails...
I dun and WONT blame myself if i dun do well for tis test. For tis module for that matter. I will study as hard as i can, and i did study as hard as i can, but because of the nature of this exam, and the 'effort' the lecturer put in to set the paper...i... i tink...its not my fault...
Oh anyway, checkout tis link, do fill it in for me yea? *smile*
12:55 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Dunno wad title to haf wo...
Monday, February 20, 2006
Writing a headline, title is like quite a chore wo...now i m beginnin to know, i am not that creative as i am...or rather..perhaps i shld sae, i WAS creative....?
I guess i dun bother to use too much brains these days? Or perhaps i just dun haf the time to? or perhaps all this are just excuses to let me pretend that i was creative once...?
Anyway, i had an econs quiz on sat. And i tink it sucks. not because of me (totally) but coz i think the lecturer is unprofessional in his setting of the exam paper. (oopz, will i get sued for critising NUS lecturer?) Well, in any case, it is really a fact. I did not make it up. I gt the test paper at hand, black and white. And hello, dun sae i wanna bring in the fee hike incident, but truly, if i want to, i can scream, "WEY~ fees hike up i din complain, fee hike up u all still give us tis standard of work?"
Anyway, lemme tel u wad i mean by they are unprofessional...start exam, 10min later, lecturer says, "Hello, excuse me, please look at qns 35 and 40, the qns are the same. Pls do both."
5min later
"Hello, i change my mind. Please cancel qns 40. the marks will still b 40% weightage, but based on 39qns"
10min later
"Hello, qns 25, please cancel away option E, so there is only 4options"
5min later
"Pls look at qns 5, option D shld be shift to the LEFT, not right"
5min later
"Qns 34, shld be all DVD, not DVE"
Hello, is it too much to ask for, to have less interruptions in that 70min MCQ quiz, which cost lik 40% of the overall grade? And no extra time is given u know. each time with each interruption, haf to stop and look at the qns. den after changing the option, to b on the safe side, i read that amended qns again. den by that time i went back to the qns i was at, i forgot and haf to read again. duh, i tink tis is a waste of my time. they interrupted me, broke my momentum.
I do really tink this is unprofessional. A test paper with 40% weightage shld at least be vetted rite? If it is vetted and such things stil happen, can i sae "Bless You?"
And, 聪明就好,不要假聪明....u know, dun "gei kiang". We haf tis qns in our exam. Is it me or is it the qns's being subjective that makes the ans subjective?
Qns: The demand curve for Nokia should be ________ than the demand curve for mobile phones in general. a) more elastic b) as elastic c) less elastic d) sometimes more sometimes less elastic e) None of the above
Is it me? But i do not know what is the ans. I made a guess. I think using nokia as a critical factor in deciding the correct answer for this qns is .... well, i mean if i am a samsung user, i would tink that Samsung is good, market share is big, demand for it is inelastic because everyone LOVES Samsung...Imagine. Yet if i am a Sony Ericsson user, i LOVE my phone. Everywher i go ppl use my k750i, I tink S.E haf the biggest market share, demand for it is inelastic...
Ok, my point is, tis qns appears to me as being subjective. There is no concrete proof to show wad the answer could haf been. And also, they did not state the timeline. mayb 5yrs ago, the answer is clear. Is tis qns referring to nokia's demand curve as of now? I think if they wanna set such qns to show tt econs is closely related to our life, they shld gif some background infor on Nokia in the qns itself so that the qns is less subjective. Wad do i mean by being Gei Kiang? Tis way lo. Trying to show that u are cleber to link econs with daily life, yet it fails...
I dun and WONT blame myself if i dun do well for tis test. For tis module for that matter. I will study as hard as i can, and i did study as hard as i can, but because of the nature of this exam, and the 'effort' the lecturer put in to set the paper...i... i tink...its not my fault...
Oh anyway, checkout tis link, do fill it in for me yea? *smile*
12:55 PM | back to top
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