Elaine feels grumpy n sad
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Firstly, thanks all for ur encouragement and support and love. Touched, but seriously, I dunno hw and wad to do with tis childish fren of mine.
Sometimes and many times, I wonder wad are friends. Hw u define who are frenz, wad u will do for frenz. Not coz of u all...seriously...those who read my blog...so far, no complains...mainly is Mr.X bah...a true non-gentleman. He is not bad looking. But in my opinion, he is downright ugly. And ...really...ugly...
He stands at 1.8m tall, 79kg? Nt sure bout his weight. Not bothered anyway. He is relatively rich. Living at a condo at Bt. Timah. Smart ornot? Well, he's in uni, smart la. Perhaps sometimes act smart and 小聪明 that made him detestable. Coz he like to use his 小聪明 to cheat frenz. Yes, cheat frenz. Eat frenz, take advantage of them.
I trust frenz. I try to treat frenz the best i can. Help them when i can. Even if it means going out of the way to do it. Lik my aikido fren. She cant bring her clothes home to wash. I willingly help her wash. for like close to 1yr. I dun mind the hasssle. For frenz, i can do alot. U treat me ok, i treat u nice. U treat me nice, i treat u nicer. I give, dun really expect returns.
But here, I mind helping Mr. X alot. I dun like helping him. Coz i feel he is eatin ppl. He likes to 占别人便宜... take advantage. I dun mind u asking favours from me, but to take advantage of me, I mind. Like tis sem. He has printer. He has computer. He has laptop. But 5 modules, NONE of the notes he have printed at all. And he can unabashedly ask u to bring the whole stack of volume of notes for him to photocopy. And he dun find it inconvenient for u to go sch early help him print notes for him.... at ur expense... for him... coz he is late. later than u. and u reach just on time only. meaning after printing the notes for him, u will b late.
In the name of fren, I did it. Without notes, hw to attend lecture. bt seriously, is it abit like...u wont 不好意思麻烦 ppl meh? and after 麻烦-ing ppl, at least thank them and offer to treat drinks, or at least buy some sweets of wad la. Nope. Nuthing.
Anyway, am meeting Mr. X and fren to do project tml. dunno why, when 3 of us stay in Hougang, AMK, Yishun respectively, we decided to go sch to do project. Oh well, bt in any case, i m bringin laptop. And without tinking much, and he brings NUTHING at all, he can unabashedly tel u to bring a whole stack of notes FOR HIM to photocopy... After various encounters with him bout printing notes, he now pays for his own notes. I mean tt's just the basic tings la. The least u shld do when borrowing notes from fren is to ensure tt u do not bring much inconvenience to them, and u pay for it. Ur fren is doing u a favour here lo. He/She is nt obliged to do so.
I have indeed borrowed notes to photocopy. Bt I ensure tt i staple it nicely back and return to tt person back promptly. And i paid for it. And i thk the person. N i help the person back in other ways. Bt for Mr. X, he has so far not did any favours for us. He is only fond of asking for favours. He can just borrow, un-staple to put to feeder to photocopy, den later ASK u for ur staple n just staple his, return ur stack of un-stapled set.
Anyway, dun mind me being so grumpy..bt at times when u are stressed over projects, reports and deadlines, and u haf frenz who u dunno whether u shld consider as frenz...tryin to take advantage of u...u grow grumpy..
Is it me, or is tis a fren whom u shld tink twice before proclaiming them as frenz? Forget it man, Cats and Dogs..are probably man...and women's best friends..I have my cat..and alot of other fren, I shld nt b so grumpy..Bt really..I cant take it. For a person whom I c like 4days out of 7days in a week...way more than the number of times i c my other frenz, and more times than i c my own bf... I do...feel affected when ppl whom i trust and call as fren, would treat u in such a manner...
Perhaps he is nt really tt bad. I m jus badmouthing him and painted a devilish picture of him. Mayb the witch is me. 贼喊抓贼...来说是非者,便是是非人?Mayb I m the 小气 and 自私 one. Bt so? I mean no one is a Saint. Let my devilish side show here. Let me release my anger?
Bt seriously, like i usually feel, if u haf no problem to start with, no one can weave story and cloud ur reputation. I ve by far raised so many specific issues against him...surely, i m nt plucking stories from mid air...haiz...no one is saint...Neither me... neither him..neither anyone...So...let me complain abit la...ppl here feeling sad mah...
Also...saded. I lost someting, found someting, lost someting again. Damn sian. Lost my couple ring 1week ago. I took it off den cant remember wher i put it. I dreamt about finding it, under the sofa...really, really nite time dreamt of tt. woke up feeling sad. empty, loss, sad. den found it in my bag, just right there in my bag,all along, shinningly mocking me...but...lost my earrings. At least for now. I hope some kind soul return it to the CC office and they can return it to me.
Its no ordinary earrings. It's earrings he gave me. And another pair tt i love v v much. Nt tt i lack earrings, bt those were my fave. Well, every earring is my fave. Bt...tt pair is ... irreplacable..n probably my most expensive de...
Haiz..SomeOne will probably snarl at me...haiz...
I took off my earrings before aikido. Hook it together...2pairs of them. Den i cant remember whether i have placed them in my pocket, bag, wallet or...i forgot to take them. Sian.
Anyway, wad i misplaced...was...
My pair of diamond stud...from Lee Hwa...From SomeOne... as vday gift...1yr ago...damn...curse my poor memory.
活该 I m in such as grumpy n sad mood. I really detest my short term memory loss. Sometimes, losing tings is just monetary loss. Now and today...it is monetary n pychology pain... 活该...
12:02 AM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Elaine feels grumpy n sad
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Firstly, thanks all for ur encouragement and support and love. Touched, but seriously, I dunno hw and wad to do with tis childish fren of mine.
Sometimes and many times, I wonder wad are friends. Hw u define who are frenz, wad u will do for frenz. Not coz of u all...seriously...those who read my blog...so far, no complains...mainly is Mr.X bah...a true non-gentleman. He is not bad looking. But in my opinion, he is downright ugly. And ...really...ugly...
He stands at 1.8m tall, 79kg? Nt sure bout his weight. Not bothered anyway. He is relatively rich. Living at a condo at Bt. Timah. Smart ornot? Well, he's in uni, smart la. Perhaps sometimes act smart and 小聪明 that made him detestable. Coz he like to use his 小聪明 to cheat frenz. Yes, cheat frenz. Eat frenz, take advantage of them.
I trust frenz. I try to treat frenz the best i can. Help them when i can. Even if it means going out of the way to do it. Lik my aikido fren. She cant bring her clothes home to wash. I willingly help her wash. for like close to 1yr. I dun mind the hasssle. For frenz, i can do alot. U treat me ok, i treat u nice. U treat me nice, i treat u nicer. I give, dun really expect returns.
But here, I mind helping Mr. X alot. I dun like helping him. Coz i feel he is eatin ppl. He likes to 占别人便宜... take advantage. I dun mind u asking favours from me, but to take advantage of me, I mind. Like tis sem. He has printer. He has computer. He has laptop. But 5 modules, NONE of the notes he have printed at all. And he can unabashedly ask u to bring the whole stack of volume of notes for him to photocopy. And he dun find it inconvenient for u to go sch early help him print notes for him.... at ur expense... for him... coz he is late. later than u. and u reach just on time only. meaning after printing the notes for him, u will b late.
In the name of fren, I did it. Without notes, hw to attend lecture. bt seriously, is it abit like...u wont 不好意思麻烦 ppl meh? and after 麻烦-ing ppl, at least thank them and offer to treat drinks, or at least buy some sweets of wad la. Nope. Nuthing.
Anyway, am meeting Mr. X and fren to do project tml. dunno why, when 3 of us stay in Hougang, AMK, Yishun respectively, we decided to go sch to do project. Oh well, bt in any case, i m bringin laptop. And without tinking much, and he brings NUTHING at all, he can unabashedly tel u to bring a whole stack of notes FOR HIM to photocopy... After various encounters with him bout printing notes, he now pays for his own notes. I mean tt's just the basic tings la. The least u shld do when borrowing notes from fren is to ensure tt u do not bring much inconvenience to them, and u pay for it. Ur fren is doing u a favour here lo. He/She is nt obliged to do so.
I have indeed borrowed notes to photocopy. Bt I ensure tt i staple it nicely back and return to tt person back promptly. And i paid for it. And i thk the person. N i help the person back in other ways. Bt for Mr. X, he has so far not did any favours for us. He is only fond of asking for favours. He can just borrow, un-staple to put to feeder to photocopy, den later ASK u for ur staple n just staple his, return ur stack of un-stapled set.
Anyway, dun mind me being so grumpy..bt at times when u are stressed over projects, reports and deadlines, and u haf frenz who u dunno whether u shld consider as frenz...tryin to take advantage of u...u grow grumpy..
Is it me, or is tis a fren whom u shld tink twice before proclaiming them as frenz? Forget it man, Cats and Dogs..are probably man...and women's best friends..I have my cat..and alot of other fren, I shld nt b so grumpy..Bt really..I cant take it. For a person whom I c like 4days out of 7days in a week...way more than the number of times i c my other frenz, and more times than i c my own bf... I do...feel affected when ppl whom i trust and call as fren, would treat u in such a manner...
Perhaps he is nt really tt bad. I m jus badmouthing him and painted a devilish picture of him. Mayb the witch is me. 贼喊抓贼...来说是非者,便是是非人?Mayb I m the 小气 and 自私 one. Bt so? I mean no one is a Saint. Let my devilish side show here. Let me release my anger?
Bt seriously, like i usually feel, if u haf no problem to start with, no one can weave story and cloud ur reputation. I ve by far raised so many specific issues against him...surely, i m nt plucking stories from mid air...haiz...no one is saint...Neither me... neither him..neither anyone...So...let me complain abit la...ppl here feeling sad mah...
Also...saded. I lost someting, found someting, lost someting again. Damn sian. Lost my couple ring 1week ago. I took it off den cant remember wher i put it. I dreamt about finding it, under the sofa...really, really nite time dreamt of tt. woke up feeling sad. empty, loss, sad. den found it in my bag, just right there in my bag,all along, shinningly mocking me...but...lost my earrings. At least for now. I hope some kind soul return it to the CC office and they can return it to me.
Its no ordinary earrings. It's earrings he gave me. And another pair tt i love v v much. Nt tt i lack earrings, bt those were my fave. Well, every earring is my fave. Bt...tt pair is ... irreplacable..n probably my most expensive de...
Haiz..SomeOne will probably snarl at me...haiz...
I took off my earrings before aikido. Hook it together...2pairs of them. Den i cant remember whether i have placed them in my pocket, bag, wallet or...i forgot to take them. Sian.
Anyway, wad i misplaced...was...
My pair of diamond stud...from Lee Hwa...From SomeOne... as vday gift...1yr ago...damn...curse my poor memory.
活该 I m in such as grumpy n sad mood. I really detest my short term memory loss. Sometimes, losing tings is just monetary loss. Now and today...it is monetary n pychology pain... 活该...
12:02 AM | back to top
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