Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell blood....
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell blood. I do.
My first tots, hmm… I din cut myself accidentally, again, did I?
迷底很快就揭开了。I sneezed and I saw on the walls of the bathroom dots of red spots.
Greats, nose bleed. Fortunately I was bathing, if nt I m nt sure hw many many tissues I need.
After I pacified my bleeding nose, I went to school, tinking a lot. I m in a way grateful that my nose bleed wasn’t during my exam. Nt sure how many ppl will b horrified. I do remember last time durin sec 2 arts test, my nose bleed and the whole class went like….. -.-“”… and during my jc days, when my nose bleed during lecture, I was freaking afraid..nt coz of my nose bleed, bt coz of attracting so much attention.
I guess everyone have been influenced by korea drama like 秋天的童话,童话's mtv, nose bleed means something horrible… bt well, since young I m used to it. Too heaty den nose bleed le. To me…nothing much la…jus, interesting to see hw everyone literally freak out at the sight of that, nearly exclaiming, oh no, is she goin to die? Lol..i m tinking too much I guess.
My imagination ran wild as I tink of newspaper headlines “ NUS student did Finance till nose bleed.” Or, “ Finance caused NUS student to nosebleed”. Or, “Finance- the nosebleed causer” or maybe “Finance- so tough, undergrad suffered from nosebleed” Yah..Finance, hw is it? Well, to me, it is “OVER~” I did my best. Bleah.
As nina wld put it, “aa102 is the reason why I never want to b accountant”. I tink “finance is the reason why I never want to b accountant” is oso true… mine is RE1181 by the way.
Anyway, guess wad,
announced: “You have 15min left” tinks:“shit, got 10plus question undone” announced: “Please stop writing” action: shades randomly 3-4 other questions without even calculating.
Haiz. Test tml…yeah. Bleah.
1:20 AM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell blood....
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell blood. I do.
My first tots, hmm… I din cut myself accidentally, again, did I?
迷底很快就揭开了。I sneezed and I saw on the walls of the bathroom dots of red spots.
Greats, nose bleed. Fortunately I was bathing, if nt I m nt sure hw many many tissues I need.
After I pacified my bleeding nose, I went to school, tinking a lot. I m in a way grateful that my nose bleed wasn’t during my exam. Nt sure how many ppl will b horrified. I do remember last time durin sec 2 arts test, my nose bleed and the whole class went like….. -.-“”… and during my jc days, when my nose bleed during lecture, I was freaking afraid..nt coz of my nose bleed, bt coz of attracting so much attention.
I guess everyone have been influenced by korea drama like 秋天的童话,童话's mtv, nose bleed means something horrible… bt well, since young I m used to it. Too heaty den nose bleed le. To me…nothing much la…jus, interesting to see hw everyone literally freak out at the sight of that, nearly exclaiming, oh no, is she goin to die? Lol..i m tinking too much I guess.
My imagination ran wild as I tink of newspaper headlines “ NUS student did Finance till nose bleed.” Or, “ Finance caused NUS student to nosebleed”. Or, “Finance- the nosebleed causer” or maybe “Finance- so tough, undergrad suffered from nosebleed” Yah..Finance, hw is it? Well, to me, it is “OVER~” I did my best. Bleah.
As nina wld put it, “aa102 is the reason why I never want to b accountant”. I tink “finance is the reason why I never want to b accountant” is oso true… mine is RE1181 by the way.
Anyway, guess wad,
announced: “You have 15min left” tinks:“shit, got 10plus question undone” announced: “Please stop writing” action: shades randomly 3-4 other questions without even calculating.
Haiz. Test tml…yeah. Bleah.
1:20 AM | back to top
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