Sick, grumpy, sad, dishearted, disappointed.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Been sick at home since wed. but being money minded, oh, I do mean, being responsible, I stil dragged myself to tuition. Came back feeling half dead, wanted to visit the doc, but by the time I came back after my tuition, the doc was closed. The other clinics are flooded with ppl. So I took panadol-s and slept.
Fever, flu, cough. All the symptoms same as my sis. So I noe wher the virus came from. Courtesy of my sis, who fell sick 1 day before me, on tues. finally, I fell sick enuf to go see a doc. The 人王-look alike doc my sis said. Finally got the chance to see him…’yeah!’ Anyway, the doc is totally not like 人王 (From My date with Vampire 3). In fact he looks, sadly to say, ugly. I asked him nt to gimme medicine tt cause drowsiness, bt he rebutted that it is nt the medicine that made u wanna sleep, bt the sickness. Oh, btw, 2 outta 3 medicine he gave cause drowsiness. I had wanted to ask for all pills, no syrup medicine, bt judging by the way he answered my question on drowsiness, I decided to jus, man, live with wadever he give la.
Crap. Feeling totally sick. And coz I m nt the first one to fall sick, everyone was indifferent. I cooked for myself, took care of myself. Went to doc myself. All alone at home. All by myself. No one asked a word of concern. No one. Apparently my sickness has been ‘forgotten’ by one and all.
Like anyone sick, all I wan is some care and concern. But I can only seek company from Econs, Finance, books and notes. I am grown up. 21 year old young adult. But however old or young the person is, all they wan when sick is jus a show of affection, someone to care for u, someone to take care of u when u are sick. Is that too much to ask for? Jus a word of concern?
Feeling so sian. Sick and all alone. All alone to face all the shitty tons of notes to study. i have this tendency to say, I wanna gif up…jus like wad nina said, but can we afford to give up?
Sian. Bored. Sian. Now is sat. my sickness has gone away. But my grumpiness and sadness and disappointment and unhappiness stayed.
人,总是会有累的一天。 明天才做,明天的明天的明天。 机会,不是每次都有, 有些东西,只剩最后一次, 错过了,就找不回了。
5:59 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Sick, grumpy, sad, dishearted, disappointed.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Been sick at home since wed. but being money minded, oh, I do mean, being responsible, I stil dragged myself to tuition. Came back feeling half dead, wanted to visit the doc, but by the time I came back after my tuition, the doc was closed. The other clinics are flooded with ppl. So I took panadol-s and slept.
Fever, flu, cough. All the symptoms same as my sis. So I noe wher the virus came from. Courtesy of my sis, who fell sick 1 day before me, on tues. finally, I fell sick enuf to go see a doc. The 人王-look alike doc my sis said. Finally got the chance to see him…’yeah!’ Anyway, the doc is totally not like 人王 (From My date with Vampire 3). In fact he looks, sadly to say, ugly. I asked him nt to gimme medicine tt cause drowsiness, bt he rebutted that it is nt the medicine that made u wanna sleep, bt the sickness. Oh, btw, 2 outta 3 medicine he gave cause drowsiness. I had wanted to ask for all pills, no syrup medicine, bt judging by the way he answered my question on drowsiness, I decided to jus, man, live with wadever he give la.
Crap. Feeling totally sick. And coz I m nt the first one to fall sick, everyone was indifferent. I cooked for myself, took care of myself. Went to doc myself. All alone at home. All by myself. No one asked a word of concern. No one. Apparently my sickness has been ‘forgotten’ by one and all.
Like anyone sick, all I wan is some care and concern. But I can only seek company from Econs, Finance, books and notes. I am grown up. 21 year old young adult. But however old or young the person is, all they wan when sick is jus a show of affection, someone to care for u, someone to take care of u when u are sick. Is that too much to ask for? Jus a word of concern?
Feeling so sian. Sick and all alone. All alone to face all the shitty tons of notes to study. i have this tendency to say, I wanna gif up…jus like wad nina said, but can we afford to give up?
Sian. Bored. Sian. Now is sat. my sickness has gone away. But my grumpiness and sadness and disappointment and unhappiness stayed.
人,总是会有累的一天。 明天才做,明天的明天的明天。 机会,不是每次都有, 有些东西,只剩最后一次, 错过了,就找不回了。
5:59 PM | back to top
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