Thursday, May 04, 2006
yeah man…u all got it right…. It’s the….2nd last one…this one…my cat is nt so slim..jus that her face is smaller…so…hey, dun sae xiao xin’s cat is fatter la..coz my maomao will smile to herself tinking she has lost weight… 

one day, I will bring her to slimin salon to lose weight. Rather, some therapy salon. Saw the advertisement one day. This site Kreacture Care but now, no money…. Y so vain? Human oso no go salon, y cat? Well, its for her health sake…put her on diet meal, low fat meal, fat burning meals..all fruitless efforts…coz she always look so cutely ask for food when she hungry, hw to slim down likdat?
Anyway, these days, nothing much to blog about… oh no, my life is this sad and boring? Well, nt exactly la, as a crapper me, nothing can be blogged into everything. But my laptop nt with me these days mah.
大长今热is everywhere these days. Well, for me, it is past le. Its so popular, my mom, my sis, my dad, me, my bf, my bf’s mother, my bf’s sister-s, my bf’s dad….simply put, EVERYONE is watchin… yea…kuang oso watchin rite… haha…
I got this excerpt from i-weekly. It is like… wow…funny. Caught both me and my sister’s eyes although we usually dun read that section.
I cut out some points, go straight to the amusing part…
第一,他除了好看,还要有英气和正气。 (not necessary ah..mus b ok looking at least can le ah.)
第二,理想男人要随时出现,帮助长今化险为夷,而且,最好不要让她知道。等她自己偶然发现,肯定感动到死。 (well, no need to always appear too mah, jus..appear at the rite time, like, pick u up, send u home, make sure u are safe…etc etc..but tis one is cute..bout the感动到死part )
第五,理想男人可以放弃一切,跟对方私奔。世上功名利禄,房子车子,老爸老妈,银行户头,都没有这个女人重要。 (not so 夸张la..bt at least show that she is wad matters most can la..rite???)
第六,理想男人愿意分享心事,即使难以启齿的苦衷,也尝试告诉长今。就算结结巴巴,口齿不清,有这种心意已经够难得了。除了这个,还要在适当时,说一些动人的“10年, 20年,我一直会在你身边“ 的甜言蜜语。
第七, 理想男人还要心思细腻,制造乐趣。过河的时候为对方铺石头,走在雪地要主动背长今。
第十, 理想男人要争取到底,就算面对皇上这样恐怖的劲敌,也不拱手让出自己的女人。
第十一, 理想男人不回偷吃。不管崔今英尚宫多痴情,煮什么送他吃,他也突然变成性无能。
now u all noe why we love 大长今la… it is…nice…and touching with these romance too..(strange why someOne can enjoy watchin it bt nt learn something outta it..)
Added (translation, lol...did tis when I m bored while waiting for my papers to print finish...haha...correct me if u find translation inaccurate :) ) : 1. He must be good looking, and should look heroic and righteous.
2. The ideal man should appear any time and save the damsel in distress. The best part about this is to do so secretly. And when she finds out for herself, she would be damn bloody touched, oops, I mean she will be so so touched
3. The ideal man should not feel inferior or lowly regardless how outstanding a person Changjin is. He should neither feel unbalanced nor jealous of her.
4. The ideal man would never try to change his love. ChangJin is a weirdo, but he never finds her strange, but like her for who she is, even encouraging her to remain as her true self.
5. The ideal man is willing to forgo everything and elope with his lover. Money, frame, house, car, father, mother, bank account, nothing is more important than this woman
6. The ideal man is always willing to share his sorrows, even if he should not be doing so, he would try to tell Changjin. Even if he did the talking stammering and awkwardly, the fact that he have such thoughts is indeed commendable. Besides this, when necessary, do say sweetest words like “10 years, 20 years, I will Always be by your side”
7. The ideal man will always be sensitive and thoughtful, creating little joys in life. Laying rocks when the lady is trying to get across the river, and offering to carry Changjin when she is struggling to walk on thick snow.
8. The ideal man is willing to help out with household chores. When Changjin is brewing medicine for the peasants, he would be most willing to go beyond his duties to gather herbs and start fire.
9. The ideal man is willing to sacrifice himself in order fulfill the wishes of his lover, even if this means he will be sent to exile, doing lowly manual work- It is worthwhile, just to support his lover, and to stand by her.
10. The ideal man will fight to the end for his loved one irregardless of how strong and scary his rival is, even if the person is the emperor
11. The ideal man will never cheat on his lover. Despite Lady Cui Jinyin’s undying love, the tasty food she cooked for him, he will still remain impotent. (erm…impotent??)
1:51 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
Thursday, May 04, 2006
yeah man…u all got it right…. It’s the….2nd last one…this one…my cat is nt so slim..jus that her face is smaller…so…hey, dun sae xiao xin’s cat is fatter la..coz my maomao will smile to herself tinking she has lost weight… 

one day, I will bring her to slimin salon to lose weight. Rather, some therapy salon. Saw the advertisement one day. This site Kreacture Care but now, no money…. Y so vain? Human oso no go salon, y cat? Well, its for her health sake…put her on diet meal, low fat meal, fat burning meals..all fruitless efforts…coz she always look so cutely ask for food when she hungry, hw to slim down likdat?
Anyway, these days, nothing much to blog about… oh no, my life is this sad and boring? Well, nt exactly la, as a crapper me, nothing can be blogged into everything. But my laptop nt with me these days mah.
大长今热is everywhere these days. Well, for me, it is past le. Its so popular, my mom, my sis, my dad, me, my bf, my bf’s mother, my bf’s sister-s, my bf’s dad….simply put, EVERYONE is watchin… yea…kuang oso watchin rite… haha…
I got this excerpt from i-weekly. It is like… wow…funny. Caught both me and my sister’s eyes although we usually dun read that section.
I cut out some points, go straight to the amusing part…
第一,他除了好看,还要有英气和正气。 (not necessary ah..mus b ok looking at least can le ah.)
第二,理想男人要随时出现,帮助长今化险为夷,而且,最好不要让她知道。等她自己偶然发现,肯定感动到死。 (well, no need to always appear too mah, jus..appear at the rite time, like, pick u up, send u home, make sure u are safe…etc etc..but tis one is cute..bout the感动到死part )
第五,理想男人可以放弃一切,跟对方私奔。世上功名利禄,房子车子,老爸老妈,银行户头,都没有这个女人重要。 (not so 夸张la..bt at least show that she is wad matters most can la..rite???)
第六,理想男人愿意分享心事,即使难以启齿的苦衷,也尝试告诉长今。就算结结巴巴,口齿不清,有这种心意已经够难得了。除了这个,还要在适当时,说一些动人的“10年, 20年,我一直会在你身边“ 的甜言蜜语。
第七, 理想男人还要心思细腻,制造乐趣。过河的时候为对方铺石头,走在雪地要主动背长今。
第十, 理想男人要争取到底,就算面对皇上这样恐怖的劲敌,也不拱手让出自己的女人。
第十一, 理想男人不回偷吃。不管崔今英尚宫多痴情,煮什么送他吃,他也突然变成性无能。
now u all noe why we love 大长今la… it is…nice…and touching with these romance too..(strange why someOne can enjoy watchin it bt nt learn something outta it..)
Added (translation, lol...did tis when I m bored while waiting for my papers to print finish...haha...correct me if u find translation inaccurate :) ) : 1. He must be good looking, and should look heroic and righteous.
2. The ideal man should appear any time and save the damsel in distress. The best part about this is to do so secretly. And when she finds out for herself, she would be damn bloody touched, oops, I mean she will be so so touched
3. The ideal man should not feel inferior or lowly regardless how outstanding a person Changjin is. He should neither feel unbalanced nor jealous of her.
4. The ideal man would never try to change his love. ChangJin is a weirdo, but he never finds her strange, but like her for who she is, even encouraging her to remain as her true self.
5. The ideal man is willing to forgo everything and elope with his lover. Money, frame, house, car, father, mother, bank account, nothing is more important than this woman
6. The ideal man is always willing to share his sorrows, even if he should not be doing so, he would try to tell Changjin. Even if he did the talking stammering and awkwardly, the fact that he have such thoughts is indeed commendable. Besides this, when necessary, do say sweetest words like “10 years, 20 years, I will Always be by your side”
7. The ideal man will always be sensitive and thoughtful, creating little joys in life. Laying rocks when the lady is trying to get across the river, and offering to carry Changjin when she is struggling to walk on thick snow.
8. The ideal man is willing to help out with household chores. When Changjin is brewing medicine for the peasants, he would be most willing to go beyond his duties to gather herbs and start fire.
9. The ideal man is willing to sacrifice himself in order fulfill the wishes of his lover, even if this means he will be sent to exile, doing lowly manual work- It is worthwhile, just to support his lover, and to stand by her.
10. The ideal man will fight to the end for his loved one irregardless of how strong and scary his rival is, even if the person is the emperor
11. The ideal man will never cheat on his lover. Despite Lady Cui Jinyin’s undying love, the tasty food she cooked for him, he will still remain impotent. (erm…impotent??)

1:51 PM | back to top
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