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MOnday (Extra) Blues~
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Life is full of ups and downs..

for me... Sunday was full of up-s and down-s.. Yesterday was fair..

Started lesson at 10am...

10am-12pm...First tutorial.

12pm- 2pm. Tutorial again.

2pm- 3pm. Malay tutorial. Dun understand wad they sae.

3pm-4pm... My long awaited break. Ate at YIH. Warning to all. DO NOT eat there. The food sucks. I tot it is jus 1 stall. Ended up is ALL stalls. Had vegetarian food. And it taste really...-.-""... ended up din have much appetite for my whole meal. Only mealbreak of the day.

5pm-6pm. Tutorial again. For my module- Inside ur personal Computer. Why computer? Seriously speaking, it is the only sci subject that dun turn me off totally. Coz we have to complete a sci subj. No prob clearing my arts subj...all interest me..jus tt it cost alot to bid for. Sci...duh...chemistry..maths...physcics..biology..spare me..Inside ur computer? well, at least i do blog and do some html and noe bit bout graphic card, ram, disk space etc...lol...as if this will come in handy...

6pm-8pm. Malay tutorial again. Coincidentally, QQ happened to b in the same class as me. I din know she took this module.

Oh, anyway, I tink the tutor din like me much. Coz I asked her tings that she cant really answer...and she kinda smoke thru? Dunno la..mayb its jus me...hey..I had lesson since 10am leh...hw do u expect my mood to b too good?

Life is full of up-s and down-s... Full of the unexpected... Saw someone unexpectedly in school. Shocked. But dunno who I can relate this incident to. But well. Life... is full of the unexpected.

11:24 AM | back to top
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