My Toe~
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I cant resist talking about how I got my toe treated. Oh anyway, I was not always this keen to get injuries treated. Cos they are bearable. But for this toe pain, by nite and morning on fri n sat, I kinda pleaded for my toe to be treated. cos the pain is unbearable. And so he did book a slot for me to see his dad... Cos they already got patients lined up mah.. Oh...he wasnt there when I went thru the treatment...I m glad .. or not he's nt there..cos if he's there, he will b able to understand that I can put up with alot of pain..If he is there, mayb his presence would comfort me... Mayb then I can nxt time, shw off how brave I am... :D bt then again..later he xin-tong hw? keke...mushy..haha~ Oh... picture says a thousand words... here is one.. 
I drew tis.. Wad are the red X? well, basically, to sum things up bout my toe's injury, it was a case of bone injury, of kinda slight dislocated. But due to the amount of swelling it came up with, cannot locate it back.. so must remove the swelling first. and how to do it? passing out the bad and killed and dead blood...
Touch ur toes.. u would notice that there are a joint and a part connecting the toe to the foot. Guess wad, I got BOTH parts injured. So... this are the places that were clogged with the bad blood...
Usually, letting out blood is the precise piercing of holes and using the 'cups'and vacuuming the air in the cup to force out the blood... for this case... toe...there is no cup small enuf for it..meaning...blood must be taken out manually... by way of squeezing..
Yes.. indeed... throughly painful... throughly... toe was painful to touch..to squeeze is... beyond words can describe....
Noticed the pink line? That was the dept and angle where the needle was pierced... It went deep... Painful? Holy painful... And the most painful part is... the pulling out of needle..cos i can feel it scraping across the flesh as it was drawn out... Eeks?
How painful was it? Awfully painful.. So painful that despite my shyness towards his parents, I requested for the treatment to pause such that I can go drink some water...
All the while... I m proud to say no tears nor a single scream came from me... Initialy poking..ok..bearable.. I merely tapped my fingers nerveously.. to release myself of the pain...to distract myself..wadever.... by jus..instinctively... i jus..tapped my fingers... then the pain escalated... and I took deep breath... IN~ OUT~HOOOoo....Xi.....HOoooo...Xiiii.......And my facialy expression was that of agony... and my hands went cold.. and I nearly broke out in cold sweat...
After the whole ting.. I did feel that the tenstion on the toe decreased.. it felt..released... but stil...pain... I m nt sure is it the remaining pain from the untreated part or the needle pain...
I was persuaded to have dinner with them after the treatment. His dad said I m way too thin and need to eat...although I insisted I have eaten before I went... I found myself sitting down with a bowlful of rice..amazingly, I finished all.. I guess all blood and attention were channelled to the toe such that I cant feel if I m hungry or full... yes..that is how painful the treatment is..
Anyway, I m pleased to announce that my toe is in a better shape..literally..for the swelling subsided... But... yes..there is a But... stil pain..cos the inner part of the toe is nt treated... I guess his dad decided and knew it was too painful..to be done within one day...
I m hesitant... Went to his hse ytd..and was really..touched when at first sight his parents asked hw's my toe... I was pretty worried too when they are worried..cos does that mean that it is really in such a bad state? oh anyway, I replied it is much better...and mumbered that it is still painful.. why mumber? well..cos... as much as I want it to b treated.. I kinda dun wanna be treated... cos..it is just as painful... and more painful...
Love-hate relationship for treatment of my toe...indeed..very...
4:40 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 My Toe~
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I cant resist talking about how I got my toe treated. Oh anyway, I was not always this keen to get injuries treated. Cos they are bearable. But for this toe pain, by nite and morning on fri n sat, I kinda pleaded for my toe to be treated. cos the pain is unbearable. And so he did book a slot for me to see his dad... Cos they already got patients lined up mah.. Oh...he wasnt there when I went thru the treatment...I m glad .. or not he's nt there..cos if he's there, he will b able to understand that I can put up with alot of pain..If he is there, mayb his presence would comfort me... Mayb then I can nxt time, shw off how brave I am... :D bt then again..later he xin-tong hw? keke...mushy..haha~ Oh... picture says a thousand words... here is one.. 
I drew tis.. Wad are the red X? well, basically, to sum things up bout my toe's injury, it was a case of bone injury, of kinda slight dislocated. But due to the amount of swelling it came up with, cannot locate it back.. so must remove the swelling first. and how to do it? passing out the bad and killed and dead blood...
Touch ur toes.. u would notice that there are a joint and a part connecting the toe to the foot. Guess wad, I got BOTH parts injured. So... this are the places that were clogged with the bad blood...
Usually, letting out blood is the precise piercing of holes and using the 'cups'and vacuuming the air in the cup to force out the blood... for this case... toe...there is no cup small enuf for it..meaning...blood must be taken out manually... by way of squeezing..
Yes.. indeed... throughly painful... throughly... toe was painful to touch..to squeeze is... beyond words can describe....
Noticed the pink line? That was the dept and angle where the needle was pierced... It went deep... Painful? Holy painful... And the most painful part is... the pulling out of needle..cos i can feel it scraping across the flesh as it was drawn out... Eeks?
How painful was it? Awfully painful.. So painful that despite my shyness towards his parents, I requested for the treatment to pause such that I can go drink some water...
All the while... I m proud to say no tears nor a single scream came from me... Initialy poking..ok..bearable.. I merely tapped my fingers nerveously.. to release myself of the pain...to distract myself..wadever.... by jus..instinctively... i jus..tapped my fingers... then the pain escalated... and I took deep breath... IN~ OUT~HOOOoo....Xi.....HOoooo...Xiiii.......And my facialy expression was that of agony... and my hands went cold.. and I nearly broke out in cold sweat...
After the whole ting.. I did feel that the tenstion on the toe decreased.. it felt..released... but stil...pain... I m nt sure is it the remaining pain from the untreated part or the needle pain...
I was persuaded to have dinner with them after the treatment. His dad said I m way too thin and need to eat...although I insisted I have eaten before I went... I found myself sitting down with a bowlful of rice..amazingly, I finished all.. I guess all blood and attention were channelled to the toe such that I cant feel if I m hungry or full... yes..that is how painful the treatment is..
Anyway, I m pleased to announce that my toe is in a better shape..literally..for the swelling subsided... But... yes..there is a But... stil pain..cos the inner part of the toe is nt treated... I guess his dad decided and knew it was too painful..to be done within one day...
I m hesitant... Went to his hse ytd..and was really..touched when at first sight his parents asked hw's my toe... I was pretty worried too when they are worried..cos does that mean that it is really in such a bad state? oh anyway, I replied it is much better...and mumbered that it is still painful.. why mumber? well..cos... as much as I want it to b treated.. I kinda dun wanna be treated... cos..it is just as painful... and more painful...
Love-hate relationship for treatment of my toe...indeed..very...
4:40 PM | back to top
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