Elaine Bored and Stressed
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Firstly, thanks all for ur comments..at least i know i am normal...
Someting i quote from friendster...bored c.sooo..did the quiz...
1. are you over 15?Yes, of coz..and old…much older…
2. what is the wallpaper on ur cellphone?Flowers he gave me on my 21 Bday
3. did you get enough sleep last nite?no…never did…
4. first 3 things you thought about this morningwhen you woke up?woke at 7am, den sleep,den wake again at 8am,830,9am… “shit…project n project mates…” “sigh..nt meeting him today” “haiz…test tml…”
5. what do you have on your bed?3blankets, 2pillows, my jay-wannabe dog, my new dolphin etc etc
6. ever tried to skip meal?yep.
7. grilled or fried?grilled
.8. what makes you unique?I …” I “am wad makes Me unique..because I am jus me..
9. are you afraid of the dark?erm, nope..dark = sleep = good
10. fave movies?Finding Nemo?
11. 3 thgs you cant live without?Love, food, money
12. first thing you will buy if given one thousanddollars?mp3 player…for him…
13. favourite songs you like to listen beforesleep?nil…
14. what are you afraid of?being lonely
15. are you a giver or a taker?both
16. what are your nicknames?Meow, zhu, catwoman, lainie, elainie, darling.
17. what's ur dad's middle name?err??
18. most recent movie that you watched?cant remember leh…
19. if you were invisible for a day, what would youdo?follow him ard his work place c wad he is doing…
20. stuck on a deserted island & could have onlyone kind of food for the rest of ur life, what wouldit be?pizza
21.are you in love?yes
22. how long do you like him/her?from then til ….
23. first thing you'll save in a fire?if in my hse w/o my family (family inclusive of my cat), I will save my laptop bah I guess
24. your eye colour?Brown
25. what are the things you always bring?Hp, wallet, lil diary
26. whos' on ur mind ryte now?him lo..msg him din reply…
27. what do you usually do when the clock turns7am?-freaking frighten awake, is it time for sch yet? Is he awake yet? Haf I printed my notes? Wad time is sch today?
28. the colour of ur bedsheet?blue
29. who do you want to meet?dunno…
30. how's life today?sucks
2:45 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Elaine Bored and Stressed
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Firstly, thanks all for ur comments..at least i know i am normal...
Someting i quote from friendster...bored c.sooo..did the quiz...
1. are you over 15?Yes, of coz..and old…much older…
2. what is the wallpaper on ur cellphone?Flowers he gave me on my 21 Bday
3. did you get enough sleep last nite?no…never did…
4. first 3 things you thought about this morningwhen you woke up?woke at 7am, den sleep,den wake again at 8am,830,9am… “shit…project n project mates…” “sigh..nt meeting him today” “haiz…test tml…”
5. what do you have on your bed?3blankets, 2pillows, my jay-wannabe dog, my new dolphin etc etc
6. ever tried to skip meal?yep.
7. grilled or fried?grilled
.8. what makes you unique?I …” I “am wad makes Me unique..because I am jus me..
9. are you afraid of the dark?erm, nope..dark = sleep = good
10. fave movies?Finding Nemo?
11. 3 thgs you cant live without?Love, food, money
12. first thing you will buy if given one thousanddollars?mp3 player…for him…
13. favourite songs you like to listen beforesleep?nil…
14. what are you afraid of?being lonely
15. are you a giver or a taker?both
16. what are your nicknames?Meow, zhu, catwoman, lainie, elainie, darling.
17. what's ur dad's middle name?err??
18. most recent movie that you watched?cant remember leh…
19. if you were invisible for a day, what would youdo?follow him ard his work place c wad he is doing…
20. stuck on a deserted island & could have onlyone kind of food for the rest of ur life, what wouldit be?pizza
21.are you in love?yes
22. how long do you like him/her?from then til ….
23. first thing you'll save in a fire?if in my hse w/o my family (family inclusive of my cat), I will save my laptop bah I guess
24. your eye colour?Brown
25. what are the things you always bring?Hp, wallet, lil diary
26. whos' on ur mind ryte now?him lo..msg him din reply…
27. what do you usually do when the clock turns7am?-freaking frighten awake, is it time for sch yet? Is he awake yet? Haf I printed my notes? Wad time is sch today?
28. the colour of ur bedsheet?blue
29. who do you want to meet?dunno…
30. how's life today?sucks
2:45 PM | back to top
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