Gimme Some Advice on this....
Thursday, March 23, 2006
I wonder why I am so pessimistic. And I wonder why Mr. X is likdat.
SomeOne keeps saying, dun befriend him. He causes more unhappiness to me than happiness a fren should.
But hey, me him and another is the Trio. We are together de. Hw can sae dun fren and dun fren? But seriously, I dunno if he is worthy as a fren. I treat him as a fren, but does he sees me as a fren or a tool? A useful tool. A person who u can make use of?
My point of view.
His world has no place for tings called frenz. To him, a fren is worthy based on how much advantages the person can provide to him.
My justification.
He makes use of fren. Never repaying back. No showing of appreciation. No intention to do a favour back. Shall I rephrase, TOTALLY no intentions of returning the favour.
My proof. Case 1.
He wanted to borrow my Finance book, which he din buy coz he wanna save money and which is essential. It is a 500page A4 size book that is damn heavy. I brought it to lend him.
I wanted to borrow his law book coz it has one case which is similar to wad we are doing. It is 300page and half A4 size, weighing few grams only. He refused. His justifications, we would be writing the same thing. And I did not buy that law book because I bought another Law book so that I tot we can share so that we have different opinions and can share to learn more from each other.
Hello? Frenz share. Frenz help each other. Anyway, I went to buy the book myself.
Case 2.
He did not print notes. He expects that I lend him photocopy. (as u all do so often read here). Today, I was late, on the bus. Lesson starts 10am. I was still quite a distance away when it is 935am. He msged me. Told him I m away.
His reply “wow great. Please run here so I can print my notes. Ha”
Sorry, but that is not funny to me. I do not have the personal obligations to MUST lend him notes. I m lending him to photocopy because I feel he is a fren, and I dun mind doing a favour to a fren. But here, it is like 是我欠他的。I must have the responsibility to come early so that he can photocopy my notes, for his own goods.
Anyway, towards that, I replied “ very funny. Too bad. You wanna speed tings up, can buy tea for me. I reach le still will go buy tea. If not, wait lo”
Coz I am tired, I surely need tea during lesson to stay awake. And since I will be late, he wans me to be early, I tink it is not too much to ask for, for him to help me buy tea, so I do not have to buy it myself, and I can reach earlier to lend him my notes so he can print. No reply. Greats. I dun care. I reach the school promptly at 10am. Slowly took my time to walk over buy tea. Strolled over to the lecture hall. Lecturer have not start talking yet. I din sae hi. I just sat down. He din ask for my notes or wad. Finally, the lecture start. He still do not have any notes. I cant be bothered. If u wan notes, it is ur responsibility to ask for it. Not wait for ppl to ask, hey, u no notes, wanna print?
Anyway, he said “你现在才来,of coz 我还没有print notes la.” So? My reply is, SO? I dun have the obligations to need to come early so he can print notes. He was unwilling to help me buy tea, to speed things up, do I need to rush and even not buy my tea so he can print his notes?
Actually, in my opinion, if I m him, I need notes. The person lending me notes will b late, and b later coz she wans to go and buy tea. It may sound unrelevant bout the tea part. She mite b deliberately doing that coz she slacker wan tea. But wan tea is wan tea. As the person asking for favour, I dun tink u can grumble. She dun haf to lend u the notes. She can b late all she wans for lecture to buy tea. And if I m the person needing the notes, I would, buy tea. Help her buy tea. And even, treat her tea coz she is nice enuf to lend u notes. But no. he did not that. And was seemingly blaming me for not coming early, resulting in him sitting that lik a total idiot ass without notes.
Actually, a lot of pp lard us have no notes. Coz the lecturer made a mistake of uploading the notes only ytd. But they all took out a piece of paper to make their own notes. Mr.X did not. What he did? Say to me “ Please write bigger when making notes can? Then I can photocopy and see the words”. F*ck. Why should I? Why must I make the deliberate effort to do something against my wishes for him?
He is not worthly.
Frankly saying, previously, I have indeed done many things for frenz. Similar situations would be, I have the notes, my fren dun. I would even go lesson late to help my fren print a copy so that she can haf a notes during lesson. I did not do that for Mr.X. he is not worthy.
And, I should consider again. Can he be considered as a fren? Seriously, I do not know whether this is a problem with me? I trying to be Miss Nice? But actually, I do try to be Miss Nice for as much as possible, but I hate to become Miss Sucker.
Towards every fren, I am nice as I can be. Doing favour. I dun ask for returns, but it would be nice to. But at least thank the person. This is basic courteous rite?
A person would be considered a friend if he fits any, or just one of the factor I list as fren. Left see right see, forcingly see, I cant find Mr. X fitting into any of it.
Someone ask me not to befriend him. SomeOne ask me to isolate myself from him. But can I? I dun mind losing him as a fren, if he was a fren to start with, but I do not wan to lose my other gal fren. She mite not see him as this bad a person, and she mite tink I am a petty person. But seriously, he is a total ass. I have never in my life believe in hatred and despise. But I do despise him so. Mr. X is a disgrace to men, a parasite to S’pore.
Do please gimme some comments? Issit me? Am I too petty? I m serious. Can anyone gimme some rationale for his actions that can change me to think he is a fren? Mayb I m just mistaken him for something? Even if u were to say i m to be faulted, i dun mind, i just wanna noe, is it really me?
I m considering to 发扬光大wad he is doing. Call me a gossiper, but he gets me on my nerves, but other frenz like the other member of the Trio thinks he is nt a bad guy. And I feel lik I m the bad gal if I were to fall out with him. But I feel it is not fair. He acts so innocent. I wanna hint to that other gal that he is tis kinda person, so that even if we were to fall out, I wont lose her as a fren. I do appreciate her as a good fren. Sighz.
1:13 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Gimme Some Advice on this....
Thursday, March 23, 2006
I wonder why I am so pessimistic. And I wonder why Mr. X is likdat.
SomeOne keeps saying, dun befriend him. He causes more unhappiness to me than happiness a fren should.
But hey, me him and another is the Trio. We are together de. Hw can sae dun fren and dun fren? But seriously, I dunno if he is worthy as a fren. I treat him as a fren, but does he sees me as a fren or a tool? A useful tool. A person who u can make use of?
My point of view.
His world has no place for tings called frenz. To him, a fren is worthy based on how much advantages the person can provide to him.
My justification.
He makes use of fren. Never repaying back. No showing of appreciation. No intention to do a favour back. Shall I rephrase, TOTALLY no intentions of returning the favour.
My proof. Case 1.
He wanted to borrow my Finance book, which he din buy coz he wanna save money and which is essential. It is a 500page A4 size book that is damn heavy. I brought it to lend him.
I wanted to borrow his law book coz it has one case which is similar to wad we are doing. It is 300page and half A4 size, weighing few grams only. He refused. His justifications, we would be writing the same thing. And I did not buy that law book because I bought another Law book so that I tot we can share so that we have different opinions and can share to learn more from each other.
Hello? Frenz share. Frenz help each other. Anyway, I went to buy the book myself.
Case 2.
He did not print notes. He expects that I lend him photocopy. (as u all do so often read here). Today, I was late, on the bus. Lesson starts 10am. I was still quite a distance away when it is 935am. He msged me. Told him I m away.
His reply “wow great. Please run here so I can print my notes. Ha”
Sorry, but that is not funny to me. I do not have the personal obligations to MUST lend him notes. I m lending him to photocopy because I feel he is a fren, and I dun mind doing a favour to a fren. But here, it is like 是我欠他的。I must have the responsibility to come early so that he can photocopy my notes, for his own goods.
Anyway, towards that, I replied “ very funny. Too bad. You wanna speed tings up, can buy tea for me. I reach le still will go buy tea. If not, wait lo”
Coz I am tired, I surely need tea during lesson to stay awake. And since I will be late, he wans me to be early, I tink it is not too much to ask for, for him to help me buy tea, so I do not have to buy it myself, and I can reach earlier to lend him my notes so he can print. No reply. Greats. I dun care. I reach the school promptly at 10am. Slowly took my time to walk over buy tea. Strolled over to the lecture hall. Lecturer have not start talking yet. I din sae hi. I just sat down. He din ask for my notes or wad. Finally, the lecture start. He still do not have any notes. I cant be bothered. If u wan notes, it is ur responsibility to ask for it. Not wait for ppl to ask, hey, u no notes, wanna print?
Anyway, he said “你现在才来,of coz 我还没有print notes la.” So? My reply is, SO? I dun have the obligations to need to come early so he can print notes. He was unwilling to help me buy tea, to speed things up, do I need to rush and even not buy my tea so he can print his notes?
Actually, in my opinion, if I m him, I need notes. The person lending me notes will b late, and b later coz she wans to go and buy tea. It may sound unrelevant bout the tea part. She mite b deliberately doing that coz she slacker wan tea. But wan tea is wan tea. As the person asking for favour, I dun tink u can grumble. She dun haf to lend u the notes. She can b late all she wans for lecture to buy tea. And if I m the person needing the notes, I would, buy tea. Help her buy tea. And even, treat her tea coz she is nice enuf to lend u notes. But no. he did not that. And was seemingly blaming me for not coming early, resulting in him sitting that lik a total idiot ass without notes.
Actually, a lot of pp lard us have no notes. Coz the lecturer made a mistake of uploading the notes only ytd. But they all took out a piece of paper to make their own notes. Mr.X did not. What he did? Say to me “ Please write bigger when making notes can? Then I can photocopy and see the words”. F*ck. Why should I? Why must I make the deliberate effort to do something against my wishes for him?
He is not worthly.
Frankly saying, previously, I have indeed done many things for frenz. Similar situations would be, I have the notes, my fren dun. I would even go lesson late to help my fren print a copy so that she can haf a notes during lesson. I did not do that for Mr.X. he is not worthy.
And, I should consider again. Can he be considered as a fren? Seriously, I do not know whether this is a problem with me? I trying to be Miss Nice? But actually, I do try to be Miss Nice for as much as possible, but I hate to become Miss Sucker.
Towards every fren, I am nice as I can be. Doing favour. I dun ask for returns, but it would be nice to. But at least thank the person. This is basic courteous rite?
A person would be considered a friend if he fits any, or just one of the factor I list as fren. Left see right see, forcingly see, I cant find Mr. X fitting into any of it.
Someone ask me not to befriend him. SomeOne ask me to isolate myself from him. But can I? I dun mind losing him as a fren, if he was a fren to start with, but I do not wan to lose my other gal fren. She mite not see him as this bad a person, and she mite tink I am a petty person. But seriously, he is a total ass. I have never in my life believe in hatred and despise. But I do despise him so. Mr. X is a disgrace to men, a parasite to S’pore.
Do please gimme some comments? Issit me? Am I too petty? I m serious. Can anyone gimme some rationale for his actions that can change me to think he is a fren? Mayb I m just mistaken him for something? Even if u were to say i m to be faulted, i dun mind, i just wanna noe, is it really me?
I m considering to 发扬光大wad he is doing. Call me a gossiper, but he gets me on my nerves, but other frenz like the other member of the Trio thinks he is nt a bad guy. And I feel lik I m the bad gal if I were to fall out with him. But I feel it is not fair. He acts so innocent. I wanna hint to that other gal that he is tis kinda person, so that even if we were to fall out, I wont lose her as a fren. I do appreciate her as a good fren. Sighz.
1:13 PM | back to top
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