Elaine- Moody- Sian- sad
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Sad,sian,bored,upset, everything sad.
Called up TPY cc...Asked if the found an earrings. They asked me wait. "Erm, can i have ur name and contact number?" and i know, that's it. "We will call u when we find it"
Greats...Super sad....
Like mentioned in the comments there..sigh...true la..not those huge glittering diamonds..small stud Just nice and small, suit me...and...it's....mine...haiz...duper sad...To find someting to find that u lose another is...painfully happy and sad at the same time.. bt..kinda more sad bah...coz todae...really feel so sore..mayb is all with the stress and unhappiness...mayb i really miss my earrings...
Haiz...Ears feel so empty...haiz...sad...
Today went all the way to sch to do project. Ok la, at least gif my gf the ting i helped her buy. Bt other than tt, really lo, kinda feel..waste time? Coz all we need is internet connection, power. travel so far when i haf tis oso..my hse..and is closer to all of us...bt really...haiz...
Din end up well anyway. really...sian...haiz..
Elaine is kinda sad..and upset.....
11:38 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Elaine- Moody- Sian- sad
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Sad,sian,bored,upset, everything sad.
Called up TPY cc...Asked if the found an earrings. They asked me wait. "Erm, can i have ur name and contact number?" and i know, that's it. "We will call u when we find it"
Greats...Super sad....
Like mentioned in the comments there..sigh...true la..not those huge glittering diamonds..small stud Just nice and small, suit me...and...it's....mine...haiz...duper sad...To find someting to find that u lose another is...painfully happy and sad at the same time.. bt..kinda more sad bah...coz todae...really feel so sore..mayb is all with the stress and unhappiness...mayb i really miss my earrings...
Haiz...Ears feel so empty...haiz...sad...
Today went all the way to sch to do project. Ok la, at least gif my gf the ting i helped her buy. Bt other than tt, really lo, kinda feel..waste time? Coz all we need is internet connection, power. travel so far when i haf tis oso..my hse..and is closer to all of us...bt really...haiz...
Din end up well anyway. really...sian...haiz..
Elaine is kinda sad..and upset.....
11:38 PM | back to top
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