tired out...weak...and it's my fault...
Monday, March 06, 2006
All shagged and tired out. Quote a phrase used my oanne, 'buried by project'. I am...busy with project, from then til now. The whole week busy. So busy I dun even haf time for phonecall, meeting, online etc. busy busy busy.
And yet... and yet, i spent one whole nite resulting in the squandering of one whole day sleeping by watchin a series through the nite. My sis bought the dvd of 恶魔在身边, and when i returned home feeling sucky on sat nite, woh, I was feeling really lik, more cheerful after watchin it. Its romantic, and funny. Nt too romantic til that kinda only possible on tv, bt some simple acts u wished ur bf would do for u... It speaks from the gal's angle, and showed some blockhead guys. And little acts tt made the gals angry...like being insenstive and being late and picking up the gal and just makin the first moves. check out my sis's blog..she tok more bout the show...
Anyway, after being so tired out the entire week being busy, stressed and sad, tramautised by the loss of my precious...haiz... I went to watch tt show the entire nite. Yea, entire nite. Watched from 9plus til the following dae. Finished the whole series within tt nite.
I KO la, at ard 6am. bt woke up on time for the last part. We had Mac for breakfast at 4am..called in. And yea..was great. Though tired out, feeling happy as the show was nice. Also got my mind off the stressful stuff. I know deep inside and out that i shld b doin project rushing reports, and yet i was there watchin tv. Bt well, it did help relieve my stress so i can work better.
Sleeping from 6am - 9am. Finished the show that time is morning. Bathed me..and my cat (separately) and rushed off to meet him. Been neglecting him the whole week and Sean is complaining sae i m so mean neglect my bf... so...i rushed off to meet SomeOne even though i m tired out and haben sleep.
Brought my work over to do...bt din haf the heart to finish it. At about 7pm, suddenly feel lik gg cycling. SomeOne promised say wanna go cycling mah, den i feel lik cycling too, so insisted go cycling even though both of us are quite tired out. (I must b crazy).
Indeed, bad move...bad bad move. Coz i m like no sleep and no eat much. Sat bad mood din eat much, Sunday, was quite tired out. Planned to eat Long John, bt the wrap he bought and ate was like..eeks, looks ..not...appealing... Coz when he eat, the gravy drips out from it, and...looks lik vomit....so even though he bought the other for me, i din eat...
So, all hungry, sleepy, nt enuf rest, we went cycling.
Was quite ok initially, Den we sped for a while like 5min solid speeding coz we were trying to stay infront of a (irritating) ah pek whom we overtook and who, for no good reason, keep ringing the bell at us when we were slightly in front of him. bad move.
We were cycling back, we stopped at the traffic light, the little path seperating the 2 bishan park. He went to help me set the gear of the bike into position. bad.
Within minutes after he rode off and left me waiting by the traffic light, suddenly, it turned brighter. The lights glow brighter. Then saw some stars. Nt those stars, bt the stars like hw ur eyes cant c when u are being flashed by the flash light when taking pictures, just that the glow is in smaller dots. Then the 'stars' covered a wide area, til u cant c alot, den it turned darker, til all u c is a blurred circle of vision infront of u. Holding on to his bike, i can feel myself almost blacking out. My world was spinning slightly, and my circle of vision was small.
Duh, i've nv fainted before in my whole life. Never even got close to it. I freaked out. Freaking out. Nono, i dun wanna faint and dun wan him to come back c his gf fainted on the floor...scary leh...alone...and feeling lik u wanna faint. "I must hang in there"...must hang in there until at least he come back. then can at least faint in his hands, at least i noe i m safe...
Keep lookin back c he's back ornot...struggling to keep awake...den i puked. bleah...feeling so totally uncomfortable...struggling,strugglin...finally, saw him in a distance, ridding back...i was leaning on the seat of his bike, head facing down..he came back saw me tot i was starring at wad...oso good la, at least he dun freak out tt much..yet..til he realised i m nt 'bo-liao-ingly' starring at the grass, but that i almost blackout and feels unwell...
Nt only he is freaked out. I oso freaked out. So close to fainting...so close to breaking my record of nv fainting in my life...
After puking, feel better. Bt weak..so we sat there...along the path, right there and then...on the pavement... rested for awhile before starting to ride back...
A kinda scary day..so tramautised..Bt feel..quite good...coz feel so being protected...by him...Coz after tt he's so scared i mite faint again, he take care to look after me, being so concerned about me...*blush*...
Overall....Elaine feels happier...happy...more cheerful...before she starts tinkin bout words like projects,reports and deadline....keke~
3:50 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 tired out...weak...and it's my fault...
Monday, March 06, 2006
All shagged and tired out. Quote a phrase used my oanne, 'buried by project'. I am...busy with project, from then til now. The whole week busy. So busy I dun even haf time for phonecall, meeting, online etc. busy busy busy.
And yet... and yet, i spent one whole nite resulting in the squandering of one whole day sleeping by watchin a series through the nite. My sis bought the dvd of 恶魔在身边, and when i returned home feeling sucky on sat nite, woh, I was feeling really lik, more cheerful after watchin it. Its romantic, and funny. Nt too romantic til that kinda only possible on tv, bt some simple acts u wished ur bf would do for u... It speaks from the gal's angle, and showed some blockhead guys. And little acts tt made the gals angry...like being insenstive and being late and picking up the gal and just makin the first moves. check out my sis's blog..she tok more bout the show...
Anyway, after being so tired out the entire week being busy, stressed and sad, tramautised by the loss of my precious...haiz... I went to watch tt show the entire nite. Yea, entire nite. Watched from 9plus til the following dae. Finished the whole series within tt nite.
I KO la, at ard 6am. bt woke up on time for the last part. We had Mac for breakfast at 4am..called in. And yea..was great. Though tired out, feeling happy as the show was nice. Also got my mind off the stressful stuff. I know deep inside and out that i shld b doin project rushing reports, and yet i was there watchin tv. Bt well, it did help relieve my stress so i can work better.
Sleeping from 6am - 9am. Finished the show that time is morning. Bathed me..and my cat (separately) and rushed off to meet him. Been neglecting him the whole week and Sean is complaining sae i m so mean neglect my bf... so...i rushed off to meet SomeOne even though i m tired out and haben sleep.
Brought my work over to do...bt din haf the heart to finish it. At about 7pm, suddenly feel lik gg cycling. SomeOne promised say wanna go cycling mah, den i feel lik cycling too, so insisted go cycling even though both of us are quite tired out. (I must b crazy).
Indeed, bad move...bad bad move. Coz i m like no sleep and no eat much. Sat bad mood din eat much, Sunday, was quite tired out. Planned to eat Long John, bt the wrap he bought and ate was like..eeks, looks ..not...appealing... Coz when he eat, the gravy drips out from it, and...looks lik vomit....so even though he bought the other for me, i din eat...
So, all hungry, sleepy, nt enuf rest, we went cycling.
Was quite ok initially, Den we sped for a while like 5min solid speeding coz we were trying to stay infront of a (irritating) ah pek whom we overtook and who, for no good reason, keep ringing the bell at us when we were slightly in front of him. bad move.
We were cycling back, we stopped at the traffic light, the little path seperating the 2 bishan park. He went to help me set the gear of the bike into position. bad.
Within minutes after he rode off and left me waiting by the traffic light, suddenly, it turned brighter. The lights glow brighter. Then saw some stars. Nt those stars, bt the stars like hw ur eyes cant c when u are being flashed by the flash light when taking pictures, just that the glow is in smaller dots. Then the 'stars' covered a wide area, til u cant c alot, den it turned darker, til all u c is a blurred circle of vision infront of u. Holding on to his bike, i can feel myself almost blacking out. My world was spinning slightly, and my circle of vision was small.
Duh, i've nv fainted before in my whole life. Never even got close to it. I freaked out. Freaking out. Nono, i dun wanna faint and dun wan him to come back c his gf fainted on the floor...scary leh...alone...and feeling lik u wanna faint. "I must hang in there"...must hang in there until at least he come back. then can at least faint in his hands, at least i noe i m safe...
Keep lookin back c he's back ornot...struggling to keep awake...den i puked. bleah...feeling so totally uncomfortable...struggling,strugglin...finally, saw him in a distance, ridding back...i was leaning on the seat of his bike, head facing down..he came back saw me tot i was starring at wad...oso good la, at least he dun freak out tt much..yet..til he realised i m nt 'bo-liao-ingly' starring at the grass, but that i almost blackout and feels unwell...
Nt only he is freaked out. I oso freaked out. So close to fainting...so close to breaking my record of nv fainting in my life...
After puking, feel better. Bt weak..so we sat there...along the path, right there and then...on the pavement... rested for awhile before starting to ride back...
A kinda scary day..so tramautised..Bt feel..quite good...coz feel so being protected...by him...Coz after tt he's so scared i mite faint again, he take care to look after me, being so concerned about me...*blush*...
Overall....Elaine feels happier...happy...more cheerful...before she starts tinkin bout words like projects,reports and deadline....keke~
3:50 PM | back to top
about the mEow
mEow loves cat
mEow is cat
mEow has 3 cats
mEow is owned by cats
mEow is owned by a woofy
mEow <3 Woofy
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Kuching: Jan 2009
Bintan: Jan 2010
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