Elaine had good food
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Elaine had good food for 2 days. Went Holland V do project...some research on banks..We had to find some bankloan interest rate for housing loan...i was so so worried they mite say "Welcome, Mr X and Mrs X" with mrs X referring to me..lol..coz i m doing project with mr.X.. Anyway, he's quite nice these days...If he is nice, he's really a great fren to haf ard... Anyway, yesterday...ate..... Ice cream from..wad..glerie? or someting likdat...gt some discount..my fren treat me..yummy...
dun underestimate tis clear innocent looking soup..man..it is so...HOT~~~
Tom Yam seafood Soup
From Jack's Place.... Today's lunch...Lunch set...Costed me 12bucks plus...If i din change the soup, the entire meal would probably cost me less than $10... Nt too expensive..but totally...delicious...
Start of the set lunch with... Lobster soup... It was soup of the day, some carrot with corn..at the word corn, i requested for a change of soup...
Main Course
Shirlon steak..medium rare...all bloody and nice...oops, i mean, juicy and tender and nice...
Dessert...so kawaii
Fruits... My frenz were like. -.-""... when i asked "Which u all ate first?" "does it matter?" they asked... To me, yes..coz sweet tings cancel out the taste of things less sweeter..so in my opinion, shld eat the less sweet ones to the sweetest. Like here, gt honey dew, water melon, orange... I would eat orange, den water melon, den honey dew, coz i tink honeydew sweetest.... ok..abit bo liaoz la..bt...well..that's me...and my opnion bout food...
12:20 AM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Elaine had good food
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Elaine had good food for 2 days. Went Holland V do project...some research on banks..We had to find some bankloan interest rate for housing loan...i was so so worried they mite say "Welcome, Mr X and Mrs X" with mrs X referring to me..lol..coz i m doing project with mr.X.. Anyway, he's quite nice these days...If he is nice, he's really a great fren to haf ard... Anyway, yesterday...ate..... Ice cream from..wad..glerie? or someting likdat...gt some discount..my fren treat me..yummy...
dun underestimate tis clear innocent looking soup..man..it is so...HOT~~~
Tom Yam seafood Soup
From Jack's Place.... Today's lunch...Lunch set...Costed me 12bucks plus...If i din change the soup, the entire meal would probably cost me less than $10... Nt too expensive..but totally...delicious...
Start of the set lunch with... Lobster soup... It was soup of the day, some carrot with corn..at the word corn, i requested for a change of soup...
Main Course
Shirlon steak..medium rare...all bloody and nice...oops, i mean, juicy and tender and nice...
Dessert...so kawaii
Fruits... My frenz were like. -.-""... when i asked "Which u all ate first?" "does it matter?" they asked... To me, yes..coz sweet tings cancel out the taste of things less sweeter..so in my opinion, shld eat the less sweet ones to the sweetest. Like here, gt honey dew, water melon, orange... I would eat orange, den water melon, den honey dew, coz i tink honeydew sweetest.... ok..abit bo liaoz la..bt...well..that's me...and my opnion bout food...
12:20 AM | back to top
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