Elaine- I shall b Me and I am Who I am
Monday, April 10, 2006
I tot my silence would last longer…but I guess it din… I was tinking..thanks to the 151bus… because it is too hot and uncomfortable for me to sleep and study, I had the time to tink.. who am I ? what I want to do? What do I want?
Simple, wad makes me happy is Eating and Talking. So why should I be bothered by what he says..or even wad she says? He said that they both agree that I am naggy… or so he says... at least he says it in a more mean way...and that not mean way of them agreeing upon is a lesser itensity? Perhaps he is affecting her, turning all that I say into naggyness. I cant be bothered. If my flaw is naggy, his flaw is even greater. He has no good character to speak about. If he is to despise my naggyness, it is indeed possible that it is his bad character that made my talking b naggy, and his bad character that he used to put his evil tots to the other gal... I know that no human is Saint...I am no saint too, I makes mistakes. Bt here, I made a mistake. I asked her to ask him what is wrong. I granted him the chance to defame me. As the bad character person he is, I am sure he had used this chance well. My fault. I did the fault Brutus did in the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar… that is..to allow Mark Anthony to speak to the people, without even listening and monitoring wad he says...thereby allowing Mark Anthony to defame him, and turn the people against Brutus himself...
Yea yea, I might sound like I am bad mouthing him, I m evil…but deep in my heart, I despise this species who haf disgraced the man-kind. I shall not be affected by what this tiny weeny miserable parasite, and make me feel less worthy… he is a character I despise, hw can I let his words weigh on me so? as our XMS student creed is to say,
“I am unique and worthy.
Within me lies the power to be the best that I can be. I shall seek to be upright in character, exemplary in behavior and steadfast in spirit.
I shall learn continuously, think creatively and strive for excellence in whatever I do. I shall be respectful and caring towards my family members, teachers and fellow students. Above all, I shall be compassionate to the less fortunate and loyal to my school and nation.” - Source from XMS Student Creed-
(nina: u remember the Joseph Lim?My literature teacher?the yandao teacher who takes a cab to sch, wears branded stuff, and who do blush so red and treat my class chocolate and pizza etc etc..guess wad? He is the VICE-PRINCIPAL of XMS leh... And Mrs Long...Our 小龙女 in sec1?? she is still there..Head of Councelling and Home Econs...And fortunately..Mdm Chua is stil there..Orh..I do miss her..)
Hey, anyway, I jus dyed my hair. I shocked my mom…slightly..by having my hair dyed at the salon, to a colour that no one would have noticed I dyed my hair at the salon. I dyed my hair to a natural brown black colour that is darker than my previous hair colour…which I liked..
I tink the hair stylist (the hair stylist who cuts SomeOne’s hair, and who is being recommended to me by SomeOne) is in cahoots with SomeOne. SomeOne haf always wanted my hair black… and she highly recommend that I take a darker hue, coz of the damage my bleaching of hair mths ago had done. she had helped me ‘remove’ the striking straw-like-highly damaged- looks ugly hair I had. So I trust her to do my hair colour… haha..but I kinda like my hair colour too. it is natural la, at least I wont b called ah-lian anymore… and when new hair grow back, it wont b so obvious, den I can slowly dun dye hair le? By anyway, here is my new hair…looks demure mah??keke…

(feel that tis pic dun really look like me..too demure??lol...) 
I feel tis pic looks more like Elaine...haha..wad's the difference? the feel i guess?

If u can notice beyond the cute bb, my flabby arm...n my strangly pouted lips, u wld notice the ends of my hair are pretty dried, and brown, which makes it looks...erm...wintered??
1:10 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Elaine- I shall b Me and I am Who I am
Monday, April 10, 2006
I tot my silence would last longer…but I guess it din… I was tinking..thanks to the 151bus… because it is too hot and uncomfortable for me to sleep and study, I had the time to tink.. who am I ? what I want to do? What do I want?
Simple, wad makes me happy is Eating and Talking. So why should I be bothered by what he says..or even wad she says? He said that they both agree that I am naggy… or so he says... at least he says it in a more mean way...and that not mean way of them agreeing upon is a lesser itensity? Perhaps he is affecting her, turning all that I say into naggyness. I cant be bothered. If my flaw is naggy, his flaw is even greater. He has no good character to speak about. If he is to despise my naggyness, it is indeed possible that it is his bad character that made my talking b naggy, and his bad character that he used to put his evil tots to the other gal... I know that no human is Saint...I am no saint too, I makes mistakes. Bt here, I made a mistake. I asked her to ask him what is wrong. I granted him the chance to defame me. As the bad character person he is, I am sure he had used this chance well. My fault. I did the fault Brutus did in the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar… that is..to allow Mark Anthony to speak to the people, without even listening and monitoring wad he says...thereby allowing Mark Anthony to defame him, and turn the people against Brutus himself...
Yea yea, I might sound like I am bad mouthing him, I m evil…but deep in my heart, I despise this species who haf disgraced the man-kind. I shall not be affected by what this tiny weeny miserable parasite, and make me feel less worthy… he is a character I despise, hw can I let his words weigh on me so? as our XMS student creed is to say,
“I am unique and worthy.
Within me lies the power to be the best that I can be. I shall seek to be upright in character, exemplary in behavior and steadfast in spirit.
I shall learn continuously, think creatively and strive for excellence in whatever I do. I shall be respectful and caring towards my family members, teachers and fellow students. Above all, I shall be compassionate to the less fortunate and loyal to my school and nation.” - Source from XMS Student Creed-
(nina: u remember the Joseph Lim?My literature teacher?the yandao teacher who takes a cab to sch, wears branded stuff, and who do blush so red and treat my class chocolate and pizza etc etc..guess wad? He is the VICE-PRINCIPAL of XMS leh... And Mrs Long...Our 小龙女 in sec1?? she is still there..Head of Councelling and Home Econs...And fortunately..Mdm Chua is stil there..Orh..I do miss her..)
Hey, anyway, I jus dyed my hair. I shocked my mom…slightly..by having my hair dyed at the salon, to a colour that no one would have noticed I dyed my hair at the salon. I dyed my hair to a natural brown black colour that is darker than my previous hair colour…which I liked..
I tink the hair stylist (the hair stylist who cuts SomeOne’s hair, and who is being recommended to me by SomeOne) is in cahoots with SomeOne. SomeOne haf always wanted my hair black… and she highly recommend that I take a darker hue, coz of the damage my bleaching of hair mths ago had done. she had helped me ‘remove’ the striking straw-like-highly damaged- looks ugly hair I had. So I trust her to do my hair colour… haha..but I kinda like my hair colour too. it is natural la, at least I wont b called ah-lian anymore… and when new hair grow back, it wont b so obvious, den I can slowly dun dye hair le? By anyway, here is my new hair…looks demure mah??keke…

(feel that tis pic dun really look like me..too demure??lol...) 
I feel tis pic looks more like Elaine...haha..wad's the difference? the feel i guess?

If u can notice beyond the cute bb, my flabby arm...n my strangly pouted lips, u wld notice the ends of my hair are pretty dried, and brown, which makes it looks...erm...wintered??
1:10 PM | back to top
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