Lessons and Points of Tots...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Rainy day, reach home, wanna study. On the way back, a story i heard some years ago floated into my mind.
A dumb blond goes to the doctor. Doc: What is wrong?
blond (pointing at her foot): here pain...
blond (pointing at her hand): here pain...
blond (pointing at her head): here pain...
blond (pointing at her face): here pain...
blond: Doc, wad is wrong with me?
Doc: U got a broken finger...
It was meant to b a joke..bt i dunno if it is me, bt i found some like..irony and truth in this joke that is some sorta...
Wad is the lesson i drawn? Well, likening urself to the finger, u find fault everywher...like all parts of your body is aching...but end up, the only problem is, u, is the Finger...bt u tink that it is all parts of ur body tt is painful...
Therefore, i fear that i am the broken finger..And i sae all the bad ting bout Mr. X..is jus me, the broken finger up to no good...bleah..bt well..who cares..exam coming..i care more bout exam...tink bout me n my broken finger theory nxt time..bleah..
I jus failed my Finance test...sigh....Bt hey..I gt an A- for my Law individual project...*happy*... so i m confused now..shld i b happy or nt happy...??
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ stole tis from qq's blog...it is so interesting..lol...read on..
The Origin of the (Group Project) Species Written by Hazel Lin [hooked issue] Ever had a project group where you wished you had a can of insecticide in hand to spray everyone in the face? Or where you were so bored by the irrelevant banter of group mates that you had a fit of narcolepsy? Well, Hooked introduces you to the seven deadly characters of teamwork - people who bring thunderstorms to your otherwise sunny day.
1) Bossanova Imperius - The Indian Chief. This species can be spotted telling everyone what to do, never mind if it has no experience in this field.Could possibly be a computing student teaching a law student how to formulate arguments in an essay.Regards the rest of the group as god-forsaken minions, while it is born to lead.Things always must be done its way, even if there are other possible (read: better) ways.Trouble is, most people give way to the Bossanova, as they do not wish to end short-term projects on a sour note
2) Indolenta Dongivasheet - The Lazy Bastard. This species is so lazy you're convinced that it originally evolved from sloths.The Indolenta is also closely related to parasites - highly likely that it's S/U-ing the module, and thus does not bother to chip inDistributed work is often undone as the Indolenta often can't be bothered to do its share.Quite possibly does nothing other than eat or sleep.Appears to be an extremely rare breed of animal, as it can never be spotted during lectures
3) Wilnever Shadarpee - The Whinger.Also known as the complain-queen of the animal worldThis species yowls in a higher frequency than others and seems to have been dealt a bad deck in lifeUsually female (or a pansy-like male), it spends more time during discussions whining than making relevant contributionsIt seems like the Wilnever Shaderpee walks under a hotter sun, eats more revolting food and has a few hours less than the average species.Truthfully, no one really knows the motivations behind this most noisome beast.
4) Geologicus Magnificus - The Silent Type .So quiet that you only just discovered its presence, this species tries to sleep with its eyes open during meetings.Despite intermittent prodding, it stares vacantly like a kangaroo in your headlights.Usually does its share, but unyielding gazes during discussions really freak you outThere's a 4 out of 5 chance that you will say "I will now hand it over to *pause* my ... groupmate" during project presentation, cuz you simply don't know this person's name.Funny thing - it will surprise everyone by scoring the highest in the module
5) Noballus Noballus - The Assistant.Ever so quick to polish the apples of the Bossanova Imperius, this spineless species is often seen fervently nodding during meetings and parroting whatever the leader says.Positions itself next to the boss as it makes it feel more important (you know, like that Chinese saying about a wolf and a tiger...)Sole purpose of its existence is to make sure the boss is happy.Will gladly take on a heavier workload just to ensure it gets into Bossanova's good books.You wish you had its eagerness in going the extra mile though.
6) Tiochoo Orpeara - The second-rate Indian ChiefA much-loathed species in project groups as it tends to be nothing but a bundle of hot air.A shadow of the group leader, it speaks of great plans and lofty targets, but slinks away when work is being done.You can picture it with the traditional Chinese wayang head-dress and pink/white makeup during meetings.Extends group presentations by an extra half hour because it has thought of a "new way of answering the question" (which is actually someone else's idea repackaged as its own)Note to self: just nod and take everything he suggests with a pinch bucket of salt.
7) Alligatorus Buaya - The, erm, Buaya.For the carnivorous Alligatorus, every group project meeting is like mating season.Treating project meetings as a gathering of hot babes, this species can be seen shamelessly flirting with all the females in his group.When the class is being split into groups, it slinks into the one with the most number of pretty girls with extra ‘plummage'.Projects are just an excuse for the Alligatorus to lure an ingénue out on a date.Even the tutor is moved by his boyish charm. (Must be the teeth.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3:30 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Lessons and Points of Tots...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Rainy day, reach home, wanna study. On the way back, a story i heard some years ago floated into my mind.
A dumb blond goes to the doctor. Doc: What is wrong?
blond (pointing at her foot): here pain...
blond (pointing at her hand): here pain...
blond (pointing at her head): here pain...
blond (pointing at her face): here pain...
blond: Doc, wad is wrong with me?
Doc: U got a broken finger...
It was meant to b a joke..bt i dunno if it is me, bt i found some like..irony and truth in this joke that is some sorta...
Wad is the lesson i drawn? Well, likening urself to the finger, u find fault everywher...like all parts of your body is aching...but end up, the only problem is, u, is the Finger...bt u tink that it is all parts of ur body tt is painful...
Therefore, i fear that i am the broken finger..And i sae all the bad ting bout Mr. X..is jus me, the broken finger up to no good...bleah..bt well..who cares..exam coming..i care more bout exam...tink bout me n my broken finger theory nxt time..bleah..
I jus failed my Finance test...sigh....Bt hey..I gt an A- for my Law individual project...*happy*... so i m confused now..shld i b happy or nt happy...??
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ stole tis from qq's blog...it is so interesting..lol...read on..
The Origin of the (Group Project) Species Written by Hazel Lin [hooked issue] Ever had a project group where you wished you had a can of insecticide in hand to spray everyone in the face? Or where you were so bored by the irrelevant banter of group mates that you had a fit of narcolepsy? Well, Hooked introduces you to the seven deadly characters of teamwork - people who bring thunderstorms to your otherwise sunny day.
1) Bossanova Imperius - The Indian Chief. This species can be spotted telling everyone what to do, never mind if it has no experience in this field.Could possibly be a computing student teaching a law student how to formulate arguments in an essay.Regards the rest of the group as god-forsaken minions, while it is born to lead.Things always must be done its way, even if there are other possible (read: better) ways.Trouble is, most people give way to the Bossanova, as they do not wish to end short-term projects on a sour note
2) Indolenta Dongivasheet - The Lazy Bastard. This species is so lazy you're convinced that it originally evolved from sloths.The Indolenta is also closely related to parasites - highly likely that it's S/U-ing the module, and thus does not bother to chip inDistributed work is often undone as the Indolenta often can't be bothered to do its share.Quite possibly does nothing other than eat or sleep.Appears to be an extremely rare breed of animal, as it can never be spotted during lectures
3) Wilnever Shadarpee - The Whinger.Also known as the complain-queen of the animal worldThis species yowls in a higher frequency than others and seems to have been dealt a bad deck in lifeUsually female (or a pansy-like male), it spends more time during discussions whining than making relevant contributionsIt seems like the Wilnever Shaderpee walks under a hotter sun, eats more revolting food and has a few hours less than the average species.Truthfully, no one really knows the motivations behind this most noisome beast.
4) Geologicus Magnificus - The Silent Type .So quiet that you only just discovered its presence, this species tries to sleep with its eyes open during meetings.Despite intermittent prodding, it stares vacantly like a kangaroo in your headlights.Usually does its share, but unyielding gazes during discussions really freak you outThere's a 4 out of 5 chance that you will say "I will now hand it over to *pause* my ... groupmate" during project presentation, cuz you simply don't know this person's name.Funny thing - it will surprise everyone by scoring the highest in the module
5) Noballus Noballus - The Assistant.Ever so quick to polish the apples of the Bossanova Imperius, this spineless species is often seen fervently nodding during meetings and parroting whatever the leader says.Positions itself next to the boss as it makes it feel more important (you know, like that Chinese saying about a wolf and a tiger...)Sole purpose of its existence is to make sure the boss is happy.Will gladly take on a heavier workload just to ensure it gets into Bossanova's good books.You wish you had its eagerness in going the extra mile though.
6) Tiochoo Orpeara - The second-rate Indian ChiefA much-loathed species in project groups as it tends to be nothing but a bundle of hot air.A shadow of the group leader, it speaks of great plans and lofty targets, but slinks away when work is being done.You can picture it with the traditional Chinese wayang head-dress and pink/white makeup during meetings.Extends group presentations by an extra half hour because it has thought of a "new way of answering the question" (which is actually someone else's idea repackaged as its own)Note to self: just nod and take everything he suggests with a pinch bucket of salt.
7) Alligatorus Buaya - The, erm, Buaya.For the carnivorous Alligatorus, every group project meeting is like mating season.Treating project meetings as a gathering of hot babes, this species can be seen shamelessly flirting with all the females in his group.When the class is being split into groups, it slinks into the one with the most number of pretty girls with extra ‘plummage'.Projects are just an excuse for the Alligatorus to lure an ingénue out on a date.Even the tutor is moved by his boyish charm. (Must be the teeth.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3:30 PM | back to top
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