On my way home...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Kinda busy and tired quite often lately...but that does nt stop me from keepin myself jus as busy all the while..
On my way home...I took a pic...
Look..guess wad's tis.. Clues?

Wad's that? good question...

Presenting to you..a pretty, new, seat of sbs bus. So unfair... i grumbled. Me there take 151 from Hougang to Clementi..non-aircon.. Here...tis bus 70 that coincidentally pass thru Suntec, near Esplanade, have such new, pretty, interesting bus seats. And the bus is so new. I do wonder how upgrades and changes to buses and allocating of resources are being arranged. Why? An East to west bus service is a creaking old, ancient, antique bus... Well..well..well..
Anyway, ytd, went to meet Val and Kuang. My fren from work..my fren from jc... Brought together..match-make by me...lol...Val went to collect winwin from Kuang's hse, so we meet. and eat. Finally got a chance to sit the car driven by val... Since she got her license, been waitin waitin waiting for a chance to b driven ard by her...
After val drove me ard...she commented hw ppl tend to get abit easily angry when driving..when on the road. And i guess tis is why so.

On this one lane road, this car,this expensive (in my eyes, tis is expensive) new, nice looking Toyota car, driven by an old uncle, was awafully outta lane. He dunno hw, eyes lookin wher, drove one direction onto the other sde of the lane for the incoming car, when he is actually going out. Nt that I m wad la, Bt really, He was staring at me when he drove awfully outta lane. -.-""... Seriously, it is irritating when uncles look at u... They stare like u are skimpyly dressed when all u wear is spagetti or tank. And regardless of age, looks, language or religon, they wont fail to look at u in tt v 色伯伯look... I feel so...-.-""....
Anyway, kuang...the following pic is specially for u..

Dumplings...and the picture is..Ba Zhang... ANd so... dumplin can b referred to as ba zhang too :) (jus nice today's paper got) Bo liao me? yea..i m...lol~ Speaking of papers...read the gossip chinese papers and New paper ytd...got one news..so touching..I read le...always feel so...touched... It's the news of Quan Yi Feng gettin married (again) to Hong Rong... I remember tt time was reading that article on her saying how she had fell into depression and how her marriage were rocky...and how she is feel so 遗憾that she got married without wearing wedding gown. And how her marriage affair was so simplied.... 
And guess wad? She got married again, a surprise for her. When the tv crew arranged for her to be dressed in gown to 'attend a wedding'.... and guess wad..it is her wedding... sO TOUCHING~ ur greatest regrets in life being fulfilled suddenly..surprisingly... IT's jus so...sweet....that makes u go..AwwwwwwwWwww~ When will my turn come? When does wedding bells ring? Long Long Long Long Long time later bah..at least not in recent years..for now... work..studies..money matters more? hmm..well... In any case...tt news is jus so...so...sweet...Awwww~~

8:17 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 On my way home...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Kinda busy and tired quite often lately...but that does nt stop me from keepin myself jus as busy all the while..
On my way home...I took a pic...
Look..guess wad's tis.. Clues?

Wad's that? good question...

Presenting to you..a pretty, new, seat of sbs bus. So unfair... i grumbled. Me there take 151 from Hougang to Clementi..non-aircon.. Here...tis bus 70 that coincidentally pass thru Suntec, near Esplanade, have such new, pretty, interesting bus seats. And the bus is so new. I do wonder how upgrades and changes to buses and allocating of resources are being arranged. Why? An East to west bus service is a creaking old, ancient, antique bus... Well..well..well..
Anyway, ytd, went to meet Val and Kuang. My fren from work..my fren from jc... Brought together..match-make by me...lol...Val went to collect winwin from Kuang's hse, so we meet. and eat. Finally got a chance to sit the car driven by val... Since she got her license, been waitin waitin waiting for a chance to b driven ard by her...
After val drove me ard...she commented hw ppl tend to get abit easily angry when driving..when on the road. And i guess tis is why so.

On this one lane road, this car,this expensive (in my eyes, tis is expensive) new, nice looking Toyota car, driven by an old uncle, was awafully outta lane. He dunno hw, eyes lookin wher, drove one direction onto the other sde of the lane for the incoming car, when he is actually going out. Nt that I m wad la, Bt really, He was staring at me when he drove awfully outta lane. -.-""... Seriously, it is irritating when uncles look at u... They stare like u are skimpyly dressed when all u wear is spagetti or tank. And regardless of age, looks, language or religon, they wont fail to look at u in tt v 色伯伯look... I feel so...-.-""....
Anyway, kuang...the following pic is specially for u..

Dumplings...and the picture is..Ba Zhang... ANd so... dumplin can b referred to as ba zhang too :) (jus nice today's paper got) Bo liao me? yea..i m...lol~ Speaking of papers...read the gossip chinese papers and New paper ytd...got one news..so touching..I read le...always feel so...touched... It's the news of Quan Yi Feng gettin married (again) to Hong Rong... I remember tt time was reading that article on her saying how she had fell into depression and how her marriage were rocky...and how she is feel so 遗憾that she got married without wearing wedding gown. And how her marriage affair was so simplied.... 
And guess wad? She got married again, a surprise for her. When the tv crew arranged for her to be dressed in gown to 'attend a wedding'.... and guess wad..it is her wedding... sO TOUCHING~ ur greatest regrets in life being fulfilled suddenly..surprisingly... IT's jus so...sweet....that makes u go..AwwwwwwwWwww~ When will my turn come? When does wedding bells ring? Long Long Long Long Long time later bah..at least not in recent years..for now... work..studies..money matters more? hmm..well... In any case...tt news is jus so...so...sweet...Awwww~~

8:17 PM | back to top
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