Busy tired day
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Today went to do survey. Was pretty encouraging. Got 10names...quite a lot, compared to 3names that I got last week. And today, got like 5 names within 1 hour. Quite quality as well, hopefully can get some deals. Well anyway, good or bad, 9 outta 10 are guys… guys are more willing to talk to me..keke… *happy*
Went aikido, totally tired. Did kinda like 2 stances only. Kinda bored. And my whole arm is like so pain. Blue blacks.
Overall, a nice great day. :D
11:19 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Busy tired day
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Today went to do survey. Was pretty encouraging. Got 10names...quite a lot, compared to 3names that I got last week. And today, got like 5 names within 1 hour. Quite quality as well, hopefully can get some deals. Well anyway, good or bad, 9 outta 10 are guys… guys are more willing to talk to me..keke… *happy*
Went aikido, totally tired. Did kinda like 2 stances only. Kinda bored. And my whole arm is like so pain. Blue blacks.
Overall, a nice great day. :D
11:19 PM | back to top
about the mEow
mEow loves cat
mEow is cat
mEow has 3 cats
mEow is owned by cats
mEow is owned by a woofy
mEow <3 Woofy
fellow mEow-ers
Those who mEows too
Joshua : Cat no. 1
mEow's Sibling
Kuang: Cat's fish fren
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JB with Val:Dec 2005
Thailand, Phuket : July 2007
Guangzhou: Aug 2007
Taiwan: Jan 2008
Hong Kong: June 2008
Japan: Dec 2008
Genting: Jan 2009
Kuching: Jan 2009
Bintan: Jan 2010
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designer: Stephanie (kyuusho)
banner: sweetsugar
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Miu Miu
Cat Cove
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