Short updates
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
kinda really busy...kinda in conflict...well, its great tt ppl stop for u for survey...when u approach them..bt the ting is..they will view ur looks first. Looks matters, yes...bt hw many will kinda have the sexist mindset there and then as well?Sometimes, I really do wish ppl recongnise my talents (if any) and anyting else besides jus looks..coz..I will grow old and wrinkle some day...If then the same logic applies... I guess I m 'diao du' le...
Anyway, I guess when u are sad, u tend to notice sad tings as well. Newspaper today. A poor kitten is killed. probably hit, resultin in severe brain damage resulting in it being put down. BY a guy who already have records of animal abuse. D*mn lo. Animals are lives. Lives we are toking about. Lives! Hw can he get away with such small fines or short imprisonment and come out like nuthing happened before, and repeat the crime again? D*mn angry. Hope tis time he get a heavier fine that make him hope the day for the punishment to b carried out nv comes.
Please.. Lives at stake..If u r nt the animal person, I believe human, den appeal to u? Newspaper reports that the blood bank is havin an 'uncomfortable' level of blood reserves... If i can donate, I will. I desperately will dontate blood. Blood type O and A especially... Pls donate blood if u can. Drinkin more water and takin more iron can replace the donated blood, bt for those who are in need of blood, they cant take water and iron and hope it works... Tink of the lives u saved. Tink of hw u can save a life, by simply doing someting so mere.
Opening hours : 9am - 6.30pm, tues - thurs 9am - 8pm on Friday 9am - 4.30 pm on Saturday 9am-2 pm on Sunday Closed on Monday. There is the mobile blood donation carts goin ard as well...http://www.donorweb.org/mobiles/
If u have not donated blood within the last 3mths, and is above 45kg, and some other criteria, do try to donate blood bah... www.redcross.org.sg
11:31 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Short updates
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
kinda really busy...kinda in conflict...well, its great tt ppl stop for u for survey...when u approach them..bt the ting is..they will view ur looks first. Looks matters, yes...bt hw many will kinda have the sexist mindset there and then as well?Sometimes, I really do wish ppl recongnise my talents (if any) and anyting else besides jus looks..coz..I will grow old and wrinkle some day...If then the same logic applies... I guess I m 'diao du' le...
Anyway, I guess when u are sad, u tend to notice sad tings as well. Newspaper today. A poor kitten is killed. probably hit, resultin in severe brain damage resulting in it being put down. BY a guy who already have records of animal abuse. D*mn lo. Animals are lives. Lives we are toking about. Lives! Hw can he get away with such small fines or short imprisonment and come out like nuthing happened before, and repeat the crime again? D*mn angry. Hope tis time he get a heavier fine that make him hope the day for the punishment to b carried out nv comes.
Please.. Lives at stake..If u r nt the animal person, I believe human, den appeal to u? Newspaper reports that the blood bank is havin an 'uncomfortable' level of blood reserves... If i can donate, I will. I desperately will dontate blood. Blood type O and A especially... Pls donate blood if u can. Drinkin more water and takin more iron can replace the donated blood, bt for those who are in need of blood, they cant take water and iron and hope it works... Tink of the lives u saved. Tink of hw u can save a life, by simply doing someting so mere.
Opening hours : 9am - 6.30pm, tues - thurs 9am - 8pm on Friday 9am - 4.30 pm on Saturday 9am-2 pm on Sunday Closed on Monday. There is the mobile blood donation carts goin ard as well...http://www.donorweb.org/mobiles/
If u have not donated blood within the last 3mths, and is above 45kg, and some other criteria, do try to donate blood bah... www.redcross.org.sg
11:31 PM | back to top
about the mEow
mEow loves cat
mEow is cat
mEow has 3 cats
mEow is owned by cats
mEow is owned by a woofy
mEow <3 Woofy
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