Relationship meme
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Taken from QQ, who took from Nina. Looks interesting enuff. Haha.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your mood before seeing him: Depends on whether he is on time. Who introduced you: Himself? Where you first saw him: NYJC 's locker area What you noticed first: Bright smile W hat he noticed first: My smile?or long hair? Your first impression of him: Dependable. :) His first impression of you: Cute? First thing he said in your presence: Hello! I m XXXXX Kind of person you thought he was: Nice, honest, dependable, erm...'consider-able' From 1-10 [10 being highest likelihood], how much of a chance you thought you had with him: 7? he is ok la. meet most, if nt, all 'requirements'
==RELATIONSHIP FIRSTS== First Hand-holding [where took place / who initiated it]: erm...along orchard or somerset. He bah? or is me...coz I purposely 'play him' coz I was holding to the flower (with both hands), deliberately having hands 'busy' First Hug [where took place / who initiated it]: erm..dunno wo... First Kiss [where took place / who initiated it]: Erm...hmm...amk area... hee..i dunno..i tot kiss is a two person ting...
==WHO IS MORE [BLANK] IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP== Horny: No answer yet bah. well, I guess its hard to say bah? Romantic: me, actually he oso bah.. Sensitive: dunno woh...me i guess, bt he oso, bt sometimes block head too. Shy: erm..bleah..dunno. Intelligent: Him. I m lazy to tink too much, and too emotional to tink too logically at times. Spiritual: both bah, sometimes I m more supersticious...sometimes he is.. Humorous: Me bah. Dunno lei..he always make me laugh too... Messy: erm..him bah...I m a little perfectionist and 'jie pi'
==WHAT [BLANK] MAKES YOU THINK OF YOUR PARTNER== Song: I dun wanna associate any songs with him, in case anyting happen, I dun wanna hear a song and suddenly start crying... Movie: Lord of the Ring (watched part 3 without part 1,2..and din managed to finish watchin it..til nw) Food: Junk food, like TOPS, Hello Panda Household Appliance: Computer?hee~ Kind of Dance: DDR counted nt? dunno leh...lol Season: Winter...winter...definately... Type of Tree: dunno..i only noe him as a piece of wood...blockhead at times... Animal: Horse? He loves horse... Flower: White roses...He dun wanna gimme them those I love it. And so when I c it, I tink of him.
==WHICH [BLANK] OF YOUR PARTNER'S DO YOU LIKE BEST== Article of Clothing: His white 'prince-charming' smart casual shirt. Favorite Band: dunno bout band..bt I tink he likes the who...Lervin or Hills or who...eeks...sorry~ Friend: Richard,1st 3 mths fren, council fren etc
==DO YOU [BLANK] IN YOUR PARTNER'S PRESENCE?== Fart: yea..lol..bt i warn him first so he can sneak away if he wans..hee Burp: yea..bt nt too loud.. Cry: yea..unfortunately for him, i m quite a cry baby..rather, I have lotsa tears to spare. Sleep: Yea coz...My primary ting in living is to eat, sleep wad. Eat: duh...
1:03 AM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Relationship meme
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Taken from QQ, who took from Nina. Looks interesting enuff. Haha.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your mood before seeing him: Depends on whether he is on time. Who introduced you: Himself? Where you first saw him: NYJC 's locker area What you noticed first: Bright smile W hat he noticed first: My smile?or long hair? Your first impression of him: Dependable. :) His first impression of you: Cute? First thing he said in your presence: Hello! I m XXXXX Kind of person you thought he was: Nice, honest, dependable, erm...'consider-able' From 1-10 [10 being highest likelihood], how much of a chance you thought you had with him: 7? he is ok la. meet most, if nt, all 'requirements'
==RELATIONSHIP FIRSTS== First Hand-holding [where took place / who initiated it]: erm...along orchard or somerset. He bah? or is me...coz I purposely 'play him' coz I was holding to the flower (with both hands), deliberately having hands 'busy' First Hug [where took place / who initiated it]: erm..dunno wo... First Kiss [where took place / who initiated it]: Erm...hmm...amk area... hee..i dunno..i tot kiss is a two person ting...
==WHO IS MORE [BLANK] IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP== Horny: No answer yet bah. well, I guess its hard to say bah? Romantic: me, actually he oso bah.. Sensitive: dunno woh...me i guess, bt he oso, bt sometimes block head too. Shy: erm..bleah..dunno. Intelligent: Him. I m lazy to tink too much, and too emotional to tink too logically at times. Spiritual: both bah, sometimes I m more supersticious...sometimes he is.. Humorous: Me bah. Dunno lei..he always make me laugh too... Messy: erm..him bah...I m a little perfectionist and 'jie pi'
==WHAT [BLANK] MAKES YOU THINK OF YOUR PARTNER== Song: I dun wanna associate any songs with him, in case anyting happen, I dun wanna hear a song and suddenly start crying... Movie: Lord of the Ring (watched part 3 without part 1,2..and din managed to finish watchin it..til nw) Food: Junk food, like TOPS, Hello Panda Household Appliance: Computer?hee~ Kind of Dance: DDR counted nt? dunno leh...lol Season: Winter...winter...definately... Type of Tree: dunno..i only noe him as a piece of wood...blockhead at times... Animal: Horse? He loves horse... Flower: White roses...He dun wanna gimme them those I love it. And so when I c it, I tink of him.
==WHICH [BLANK] OF YOUR PARTNER'S DO YOU LIKE BEST== Article of Clothing: His white 'prince-charming' smart casual shirt. Favorite Band: dunno bout band..bt I tink he likes the who...Lervin or Hills or who...eeks...sorry~ Friend: Richard,1st 3 mths fren, council fren etc
==DO YOU [BLANK] IN YOUR PARTNER'S PRESENCE?== Fart: yea..lol..bt i warn him first so he can sneak away if he wans..hee Burp: yea..bt nt too loud.. Cry: yea..unfortunately for him, i m quite a cry baby..rather, I have lotsa tears to spare. Sleep: Yea coz...My primary ting in living is to eat, sleep wad. Eat: duh...
1:03 AM | back to top
about the mEow
mEow loves cat
mEow is cat
mEow has 3 cats
mEow is owned by cats
mEow is owned by a woofy
mEow <3 Woofy
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