Thursday, July 06, 2006
Was kinda rushing here and there, and busy and busy. Anyway, I was kinda like tinking wad to blog bout... Shld I tok bout hw I embarassingly was short of twenty cents for my taxi fare...Aint I glad that I did chatted with the uncle so he din squeeze money out from me... Or shld I mention hw weird I look when I ask for waasbi and soya sauce from the sushi stall, for the salmon sashimi that we bought from NTUC.... Or shld I tok bout my experience on eating sea urchin?
Bt actually, I m kinda...well...I was kinda like tired out....Anyway, read the news yet? Sadly, one guy form our industry got killed in a road accident. And he was still, alive and kicking on sat when we had agency meeting. I jus noticed him then...and on monday, we received news of his premature death...
Life is so unpredictable... That is why insurance is important... And...sad....life is so fragil...do nt live today to regret it... Dun always have the "If given another chance I would...."..."If only..." Live life like it is the last...dun have regrets in ur life..Live happily...
12:00 AM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Was kinda rushing here and there, and busy and busy. Anyway, I was kinda like tinking wad to blog bout... Shld I tok bout hw I embarassingly was short of twenty cents for my taxi fare...Aint I glad that I did chatted with the uncle so he din squeeze money out from me... Or shld I mention hw weird I look when I ask for waasbi and soya sauce from the sushi stall, for the salmon sashimi that we bought from NTUC.... Or shld I tok bout my experience on eating sea urchin?
Bt actually, I m kinda...well...I was kinda like tired out....Anyway, read the news yet? Sadly, one guy form our industry got killed in a road accident. And he was still, alive and kicking on sat when we had agency meeting. I jus noticed him then...and on monday, we received news of his premature death...
Life is so unpredictable... That is why insurance is important... And...sad....life is so fragil...do nt live today to regret it... Dun always have the "If given another chance I would...."..."If only..." Live life like it is the last...dun have regrets in ur life..Live happily...
12:00 AM | back to top
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mEow is cat
mEow has 3 cats
mEow is owned by cats
mEow is owned by a woofy
mEow <3 Woofy
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