Jinxed day
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Toa payoh CC toilet is a jinxed toilet. At least as far as I m concerned. I lost my diamond earrings stud there. And lost one of my fave tinted blue-glass earrings there. And broke one of my fave white-glass earrings today. Darn. Anyway, the main story today is not on the toilet. It was.
Now, it is on my trip to the hospital in the middle of the nite.
(The following line was wad I recited to 2nurse and one doc.) I took off my contact lens and went for a nap of ard 1 hr to 30min. when I woke up, I found my right eyes swelling and it seemingly looked like there was tears or some form of tears trapped underneath the white part of the eyeball that the right eyeball was swollen red.
Oh anyway, at first I tot it was jus some ‘mucus’ there. But I rubbed, ehy, cant get rid. On closer look, the bump is not mucus, but the swollen part of my eyeball. Duh. Freaked out rite?
I tink tink. Go doc or not.
I tink tink. Go hospital or not.
I tink tink. To bathe first before going or come back den bathe again.
I tink tink. Should I wash my face first?
I tink tink. Should I wake my mom?
I tink tink. Should I tell SomeOne? It was 12am plus I guess, and he probably is stil awake. But well, decided against it. Why get another person worry. Surely he will freak out. I mean how often do u hear ur gf call n sae, “hi, I m goin to the hospital now”
Finally I decided to go seek medical attention. Called my dad who promptly decided to send me to TTSH. And at like 1 or 2 am. I found myself sitting there in the hospital… waiting… waiting… waiting…
Surprisingly, while waiting for my dad to fetch me, first ting that came into my mind was, is any of my insurance, my Prushield that I applied for going to cover my expenses. Coz i tot the retina was torn or wad, so I was harbouring fears of me turning blind in one eye. Wad I did was, I flipped to the claim list for accidental claims not amounting to total and permanent disability, wad is the amount I can claim.
I was pretty relieved, touch my heart tell u, when I know that I could claim up to a lump sum of $25k if my right eye was to be blinded. I know, how can I be tinkin so? But the relieved part is, if really I were to b blinded in one eye, there is $25K for me to seek treatment. Or jus, to spend. Medishield mite cover the hospitalization fees, but this additional $25K mite make me feel, well, at least compensated, financially.
As much as I was worried and freaked out, I was relieved that at least I can well, not be burdened financially. $25K is v little? Well, tink bout it, my monthly premium is only less than $40. It really dawned upon me that in times of needs, besides emotional support, being at ease knowing that financially, wont be too burdened is a great relief. I m determined to get a very comprehensive insurance for myself asap.
Oh, enuf of insurance again, lol. Back to my trip to the hospital. Note: I m able to speak so calmly in a matter of fact tone was because I knew I will b fine. If I take care.
Oh, at the hospital, ambulance after ambulance came in, bringing unconscious ppl, bloody people in. walk-in patients were either in a dizzy spell, or groaning in pain. I was the few there who can calmly (seemingly) wait.
I was attended by 3 nurses, 1 junior doc (or senior nurse), 1 offical doc, 1 eye specialist, 1 pharmacist in total. First nurse to do a general screening on the seriousness, or the lack of seriousness of your condition, take temperature. Den nurse 2 did registration and a payment of 70bucks as registration fees I guess? Den the junior doc or senior nurse would ask in more details wad is the prob, and take heartbeat and blood pressure. After this is a Long hour long wait. Before finally I met the doc. She asked even in more details my condition and briefly looked at my condition before referring me to the eye specialist. Nurse 3 called the eye specialist. Finally, I met the eye specialist.
First saw her while waiting outside the operating theatre. Saw a lady wearing branded clothes walked in coolly. Den she use her leg to kick the controller to open the door of the operating theatre and spoiled her whole elegant look. Darn. She is the specialist. I din like her. At all.
She was indeed pretty, well… not my cup of tea. Not to my liking. But heck. I m here for treatment. She dun owe me a service, neither do I owe her anyting. Me, I would give respect to everyone until they lost it. And at her first line, she lost it.
She asked me to describe my condition. I told wad I recited. Pls, I m jus a layman in terms of medical background, how m I expected to know wad to describe? She jus stared at me like I m such an idiot. I stared back. Wad else am I to say? I asked her. From my point of view, she mockingly laughed and den finally guided me to describing my condition by prompting and asking me question. I felt insulted. If I m supposed to give a recital of my condition in the way she want such that she can write a report, I will b a doc and not a layman. I feel she do need to guide me by prompting, which she did only after that darn mocking laugh. I realized then, I m quite a prideful woman.
I guessed the word pissed off was scribbled all over my face. Or rather, she was pissed off with me too. Or she was upset that I wore my contacts for 14hrs per day. Or she was unhappy at coming down for consultation at 3am. Anyway, she lectured me on wad I should do and not do.
TAKE NOTE Contact lens (soft lens) should NOT be worn more than 8hour per day. Those working people, sorry, accordingly, according to her, it is best to bring specs or change out of contacts after 8 hrs, even if it means u will b removing them in the middle of your work. The deniable fact is however that you should try to wear max of 8-10hrs. if hard lens, probably longer hours.
She lectured me right in the face that I was starving my eyes of oxygen by wearing it for so long. And that I should rub, although the contacts solution is a ‘no-rub’ concentration. And she lectured me that I not convinced by wad she said.
Actually, I know wad she means. I know wad she means. I will probably change to a hard lens or wad. I was worried and would probably do something bout it. BUT, I was pissed off with her. That was why my face was one of defiant and slight disgust for her. And I tink she sensed it.
I mite b v petty that I got angry bout the way she asked for my condition, but I tink she did ‘helped’ to worsen the condition. I mean c, a patient like me, waited 2hrs to finally see a doc. And the doc asked u to describe ur condition medically. How? And she laughed at me that made me feel insulted. I m prideful yes. But I was an injured lioness, crouching to pounce at threat. And she provoked me.
After spending another $40plus on the bills, finally went back. Was to go back for a checkup in 1 week time. I pray hard I dun get to meet her again.
All along on the way home, I was tinking. I wanna earn more money such that if *touch wood* I haf to seek medical attention, I dun mind spending more and getting better service. Tink of the emotional and physical pain u took while waiting for the nurses and docs to finally attend to you. And the attitude of the doc. -.-“”…
I guessed u noe how pissed off I was. Enuf for me to record down this hospital adventure in the middle of the nite while memories are fresh and sore. Gonna go sleep lo.
5:06 AM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Jinxed day
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Toa payoh CC toilet is a jinxed toilet. At least as far as I m concerned. I lost my diamond earrings stud there. And lost one of my fave tinted blue-glass earrings there. And broke one of my fave white-glass earrings today. Darn. Anyway, the main story today is not on the toilet. It was.
Now, it is on my trip to the hospital in the middle of the nite.
(The following line was wad I recited to 2nurse and one doc.) I took off my contact lens and went for a nap of ard 1 hr to 30min. when I woke up, I found my right eyes swelling and it seemingly looked like there was tears or some form of tears trapped underneath the white part of the eyeball that the right eyeball was swollen red.
Oh anyway, at first I tot it was jus some ‘mucus’ there. But I rubbed, ehy, cant get rid. On closer look, the bump is not mucus, but the swollen part of my eyeball. Duh. Freaked out rite?
I tink tink. Go doc or not.
I tink tink. Go hospital or not.
I tink tink. To bathe first before going or come back den bathe again.
I tink tink. Should I wash my face first?
I tink tink. Should I wake my mom?
I tink tink. Should I tell SomeOne? It was 12am plus I guess, and he probably is stil awake. But well, decided against it. Why get another person worry. Surely he will freak out. I mean how often do u hear ur gf call n sae, “hi, I m goin to the hospital now”
Finally I decided to go seek medical attention. Called my dad who promptly decided to send me to TTSH. And at like 1 or 2 am. I found myself sitting there in the hospital… waiting… waiting… waiting…
Surprisingly, while waiting for my dad to fetch me, first ting that came into my mind was, is any of my insurance, my Prushield that I applied for going to cover my expenses. Coz i tot the retina was torn or wad, so I was harbouring fears of me turning blind in one eye. Wad I did was, I flipped to the claim list for accidental claims not amounting to total and permanent disability, wad is the amount I can claim.
I was pretty relieved, touch my heart tell u, when I know that I could claim up to a lump sum of $25k if my right eye was to be blinded. I know, how can I be tinkin so? But the relieved part is, if really I were to b blinded in one eye, there is $25K for me to seek treatment. Or jus, to spend. Medishield mite cover the hospitalization fees, but this additional $25K mite make me feel, well, at least compensated, financially.
As much as I was worried and freaked out, I was relieved that at least I can well, not be burdened financially. $25K is v little? Well, tink bout it, my monthly premium is only less than $40. It really dawned upon me that in times of needs, besides emotional support, being at ease knowing that financially, wont be too burdened is a great relief. I m determined to get a very comprehensive insurance for myself asap.
Oh, enuf of insurance again, lol. Back to my trip to the hospital. Note: I m able to speak so calmly in a matter of fact tone was because I knew I will b fine. If I take care.
Oh, at the hospital, ambulance after ambulance came in, bringing unconscious ppl, bloody people in. walk-in patients were either in a dizzy spell, or groaning in pain. I was the few there who can calmly (seemingly) wait.
I was attended by 3 nurses, 1 junior doc (or senior nurse), 1 offical doc, 1 eye specialist, 1 pharmacist in total. First nurse to do a general screening on the seriousness, or the lack of seriousness of your condition, take temperature. Den nurse 2 did registration and a payment of 70bucks as registration fees I guess? Den the junior doc or senior nurse would ask in more details wad is the prob, and take heartbeat and blood pressure. After this is a Long hour long wait. Before finally I met the doc. She asked even in more details my condition and briefly looked at my condition before referring me to the eye specialist. Nurse 3 called the eye specialist. Finally, I met the eye specialist.
First saw her while waiting outside the operating theatre. Saw a lady wearing branded clothes walked in coolly. Den she use her leg to kick the controller to open the door of the operating theatre and spoiled her whole elegant look. Darn. She is the specialist. I din like her. At all.
She was indeed pretty, well… not my cup of tea. Not to my liking. But heck. I m here for treatment. She dun owe me a service, neither do I owe her anyting. Me, I would give respect to everyone until they lost it. And at her first line, she lost it.
She asked me to describe my condition. I told wad I recited. Pls, I m jus a layman in terms of medical background, how m I expected to know wad to describe? She jus stared at me like I m such an idiot. I stared back. Wad else am I to say? I asked her. From my point of view, she mockingly laughed and den finally guided me to describing my condition by prompting and asking me question. I felt insulted. If I m supposed to give a recital of my condition in the way she want such that she can write a report, I will b a doc and not a layman. I feel she do need to guide me by prompting, which she did only after that darn mocking laugh. I realized then, I m quite a prideful woman.
I guessed the word pissed off was scribbled all over my face. Or rather, she was pissed off with me too. Or she was upset that I wore my contacts for 14hrs per day. Or she was unhappy at coming down for consultation at 3am. Anyway, she lectured me on wad I should do and not do.
TAKE NOTE Contact lens (soft lens) should NOT be worn more than 8hour per day. Those working people, sorry, accordingly, according to her, it is best to bring specs or change out of contacts after 8 hrs, even if it means u will b removing them in the middle of your work. The deniable fact is however that you should try to wear max of 8-10hrs. if hard lens, probably longer hours.
She lectured me right in the face that I was starving my eyes of oxygen by wearing it for so long. And that I should rub, although the contacts solution is a ‘no-rub’ concentration. And she lectured me that I not convinced by wad she said.
Actually, I know wad she means. I know wad she means. I will probably change to a hard lens or wad. I was worried and would probably do something bout it. BUT, I was pissed off with her. That was why my face was one of defiant and slight disgust for her. And I tink she sensed it.
I mite b v petty that I got angry bout the way she asked for my condition, but I tink she did ‘helped’ to worsen the condition. I mean c, a patient like me, waited 2hrs to finally see a doc. And the doc asked u to describe ur condition medically. How? And she laughed at me that made me feel insulted. I m prideful yes. But I was an injured lioness, crouching to pounce at threat. And she provoked me.
After spending another $40plus on the bills, finally went back. Was to go back for a checkup in 1 week time. I pray hard I dun get to meet her again.
All along on the way home, I was tinking. I wanna earn more money such that if *touch wood* I haf to seek medical attention, I dun mind spending more and getting better service. Tink of the emotional and physical pain u took while waiting for the nurses and docs to finally attend to you. And the attitude of the doc. -.-“”…
I guessed u noe how pissed off I was. Enuf for me to record down this hospital adventure in the middle of the nite while memories are fresh and sore. Gonna go sleep lo.
5:06 AM | back to top
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