Monday, August 21, 2006
I know. I just blogged this morning. But I m really, bored..
What happened today. I m really pretty angry with myself. And feeling kinda pissed.
Situation: Event: Tutorial cum lecture Venue: NUS Time: 12pm Woke up at :9.30am Activities: Checked email and IVLE to confirm that there is no new announcment and printed out notes Set off from home at : 10.45am Got onto bus at : 11am Reached school at : 1205 Reached tutorial room : 12.20 (tutorial room clock, although my watch showed 1215)
But well, we are all adults, they din penalise us for being late. But i dun like being late. Anyway, the best part is yet to come.
Tutorial ends at 2pm. I went to eat at clementi. Alone. Bloody hot weather. Even though i m wearing halter top, I m stil sweating. and hey, I snipped my hair le lo. supposed to feel... cooler. nono...bloody hot.
Spent at bomb there at a shop there and went back to school for my lesson at 4pm.
Went into lecture halll 10min before lecture starts. Sits myself comfortably in the lecture hall. I was busy talking on my new M1 Free 9000sms*-Prepaid card, making full use of the customer service by asking them about how to fully utilise the services.
Din notice that it was 4.15pm until a fellow lecture mate asked me if there is lecture. Greats. 4.15pm. Looked around. only me. and him in the entire lecture hall. greats.
Called my sis and asked her to check. Ooh..no lecture.
Suck thumb walked back to my SDE block and entered the computer lab, use the com. realised that lectures are on Odd Weeks only. Greats!
Thus...here i am...slacking away...
One day. squandered away.
*9000free sms. 300sms free per day. First 20 to any lines, remaining 280 sent to m1 subscriber only. Send to any other subscriber, each sms charged at 5cents. Daily fees of 60cents chargeable for this service.
However, calculate back. If say u send only exactly 20sms. 60cents for 20sms. Each sms cost...3cents rather than the 5cents that was charged for excess sms. thus, i got it. :)
6:09 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
Monday, August 21, 2006
I know. I just blogged this morning. But I m really, bored..
What happened today. I m really pretty angry with myself. And feeling kinda pissed.
Situation: Event: Tutorial cum lecture Venue: NUS Time: 12pm Woke up at :9.30am Activities: Checked email and IVLE to confirm that there is no new announcment and printed out notes Set off from home at : 10.45am Got onto bus at : 11am Reached school at : 1205 Reached tutorial room : 12.20 (tutorial room clock, although my watch showed 1215)
But well, we are all adults, they din penalise us for being late. But i dun like being late. Anyway, the best part is yet to come.
Tutorial ends at 2pm. I went to eat at clementi. Alone. Bloody hot weather. Even though i m wearing halter top, I m stil sweating. and hey, I snipped my hair le lo. supposed to feel... cooler. nono...bloody hot.
Spent at bomb there at a shop there and went back to school for my lesson at 4pm.
Went into lecture halll 10min before lecture starts. Sits myself comfortably in the lecture hall. I was busy talking on my new M1 Free 9000sms*-Prepaid card, making full use of the customer service by asking them about how to fully utilise the services.
Din notice that it was 4.15pm until a fellow lecture mate asked me if there is lecture. Greats. 4.15pm. Looked around. only me. and him in the entire lecture hall. greats.
Called my sis and asked her to check. Ooh..no lecture.
Suck thumb walked back to my SDE block and entered the computer lab, use the com. realised that lectures are on Odd Weeks only. Greats!
Thus...here i am...slacking away...
One day. squandered away.
*9000free sms. 300sms free per day. First 20 to any lines, remaining 280 sent to m1 subscriber only. Send to any other subscriber, each sms charged at 5cents. Daily fees of 60cents chargeable for this service.
However, calculate back. If say u send only exactly 20sms. 60cents for 20sms. Each sms cost...3cents rather than the 5cents that was charged for excess sms. thus, i got it. :)
6:09 PM | back to top
about the mEow
mEow loves cat
mEow is cat
mEow has 3 cats
mEow is owned by cats
mEow is owned by a woofy
mEow <3 Woofy
fellow mEow-ers
Those who mEows too
Joshua : Cat no. 1
mEow's Sibling
Kuang: Cat's fish fren
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JB with Val:Dec 2005
Thailand, Phuket : July 2007
Guangzhou: Aug 2007
Taiwan: Jan 2008
Hong Kong: June 2008
Japan: Dec 2008
Genting: Jan 2009
Kuching: Jan 2009
Bintan: Jan 2010
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designer: Stephanie (kyuusho)
banner: sweetsugar
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Miu Miu
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