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Just a game....
Monday, August 14, 2006

Woke up tis morning in a shock. Dunno wad to do. School should be starting. But no lesson today. Wow. Bored… once, some seniors have said how scary it will be if u were to wake up one morning and realize that u have nothing to do. Wow. That’s it. Bored.

Anyway, updates on the past week.

Been at Bedok doing roadshow. Response (for me) was pretty bad.

Played a game on sat that woke me and told me not to be too naïve. This is an interesting game. Here is how it works.

Players: 4 teams (or more)
Named A,B,C,D (without revealing to anyone what team you are in)
Each team can, after discussion, decide to pick either ‘X’ or ‘Y’ in each round.
The marks will be determined by the no. of X and Y that teams chose.

All 4 teams choose X, all lose $1; Banker wins it all.
3 X, 1 Y – teams which choose X wins $1, Y loses $3
2 X, 2 Y – teams who choose X wins $2, Y loses $2
1 X, 3 Y – teams who choose X wins $3, Y loses $1
All 4 teams choose Y, all win $1, Banker loses.

So, if u let children play, all will choose Y mah…coz win money rite. But well, for adults, have tactics.

U might be tinking it is a pretty simple, why learn such an important lesson? See, what happen is, everyone will be tinking not to put Y. coz look at it that way, Y will lose unless all put Y. means wad? For X, if someone just put Y, and u are X, u win.

First round, everyone put X. as expected. 2nd round, all X again.

Then the stakes were raised. Instead of $1, it was risen to $15.

3rd round, 2 suckers put Y, being X, our team wins some money. Not sucker, but they are trying to break the cycle of everyone scared to put Y. coz in order to win the banker, someone, everyone must put Y.

Stakes were again risen to $30. some suckers put Y again. And make some steady loss.

stakes were further risen to $50.

They allowed leaders of each team to go out and discuss. They came up with a conclusion, to work together, steady steady win back banker’s money.

In case u were wondering, $1 really means S$1. means when we are talking about $50, we are tokin bout the cost of a month worth of concession pass.

Leaders came back and said they swear outside to put Y, to win banker. Indeed, the following round, round 5, it was all Y. All won money.

Just when we are trusting all. The seniors in our team said that we should put X. coz they will too. That was the only round when we got chance to put X. if not, we will never get the chance again. But the newbies, 3 newbies in our team, chose to trust and put Y.

Results announced.
3 X. 1 Y. my team lost $150 in one shot.

Round 6. Dreams were shattered for us. Where were the trust and agreement to work towards winning the banker? Not 1, not 2, but all 3 other teams chose X. only us.

Round 7, all put X. oh, all this while, people were pretending, acting, how poor thing they were, at being sabotaged. Saying they are the one who put Y, and got played out.

Round 8, same. But all the while, they were all saying how one team is particularly very poor ting, losing a good $600…somehow…so we should help that team, coz we are all in the same agency, help each other mah.

Last round. Round 9. they gave the leaders chance to talk again. The conclusion was to put Y again, together.

I was insistent on putting X. the seniors too. Only one other newbie was insistent on an X. apparently, he still is naïve and dun learn. The other was neutral. Submitted the vote up. We were given the choice to choose again. I wanted an X. having bein played out in round 6. the neutral guy, being the leader, decided on a Y.

Fortunately, everyone chose Y.

A trust being achieved? Well, seriously everyone looks at everyone with distrust.

Lesson learnt:
Never Trust anyone, especially when money is in concern.

Trust, once lost, is hard to gain back. Even with round 9. I do not trust anyone anymore.

Think the big boss arranged for this game to wake us, some of us, especially the newbies up. Coz we are just too naïve. In this world, Trust no one.

1:24 PM | back to top
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