And again and Again and Again and Again~
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Oh yea...might have guess....
Its the Again of..."WHy me~"
The post few days ago on how my bahasa Melayu lesson was cancelled and I had rushed down jus for the lesson and had went home empty handed, empty minded..wadever...
This time, early in the mornin at 7am, I woke, got ready, and set off to office. Dreadfully tired out, I have half the mind not to go...stil...i went...If nt later my boss ask for MC, if not, write a letter to explain why I m nt there again.
left home at 8am, reached office after a whopping 1hr later at 910am, when the meeting shld start at 9am.
Somehow, I m not surprised. Calmly, I walked to the office away from the training room, towards my locker area. Again, not a single soul in sight. Sigh...I slowly collected the stuff from my locker and sms-ed my boss and fren.. "Ehy, today no meeting ah?"
Seconds later, got a "Ya"...minutes later, my boss called.
"You din recv the sms the secretary sent out 2days ago?" "No leh...I m in office alone..printing quotation" somehow, I receieved tings like who closed how many deals, who's birthday is today..but not this...or mayb I have deleted it without reading, which I think chances are low..
Somehow, I'm forgotten again...
Darn... Tada~~Me again~
Must go and pray more and get good luck charm...
Visit www.wofs.com to find out Your Lucky Charm~*cheers!* - sarcastic -
-----------------A joke i gt from email..jus for laugh-------------------------------
A telephone coversation between two people.
Caller: Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan(anyone)? Operator: Yes, you can speak to me. Caller: No!I want to speak to Annie Wan. Operator: You are speaking to someone. Who is this? Caller: I m Sam Wan(Someone).And I need to speak to Annie Wan! Its urgent. Operator: I know you are someone and you need to speak to anyone. But what's the urgent matter about? Caller: Well, just tell my sister Annie Wan, that our brother Noel Wan(no one) was involved in an accident.Noel Wan got injured is being sent to the hospital. Avery Wan(everyone)is on his way to the hosiptal. Operator: Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital,then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this! Caller: You are so Rude! Who are you? Operator: I'm Saw Lee (sorry). Caller: Yes, you should be sorry, Now give me your name!
9:02 AM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 And again and Again and Again and Again~
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Oh yea...might have guess....
Its the Again of..."WHy me~"
The post few days ago on how my bahasa Melayu lesson was cancelled and I had rushed down jus for the lesson and had went home empty handed, empty minded..wadever...
This time, early in the mornin at 7am, I woke, got ready, and set off to office. Dreadfully tired out, I have half the mind not to go...stil...i went...If nt later my boss ask for MC, if not, write a letter to explain why I m nt there again.
left home at 8am, reached office after a whopping 1hr later at 910am, when the meeting shld start at 9am.
Somehow, I m not surprised. Calmly, I walked to the office away from the training room, towards my locker area. Again, not a single soul in sight. Sigh...I slowly collected the stuff from my locker and sms-ed my boss and fren.. "Ehy, today no meeting ah?"
Seconds later, got a "Ya"...minutes later, my boss called.
"You din recv the sms the secretary sent out 2days ago?" "No leh...I m in office alone..printing quotation" somehow, I receieved tings like who closed how many deals, who's birthday is today..but not this...or mayb I have deleted it without reading, which I think chances are low..
Somehow, I'm forgotten again...
Darn... Tada~~Me again~
Must go and pray more and get good luck charm...
Visit www.wofs.com to find out Your Lucky Charm~*cheers!* - sarcastic -
-----------------A joke i gt from email..jus for laugh-------------------------------
A telephone coversation between two people.
Caller: Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan(anyone)? Operator: Yes, you can speak to me. Caller: No!I want to speak to Annie Wan. Operator: You are speaking to someone. Who is this? Caller: I m Sam Wan(Someone).And I need to speak to Annie Wan! Its urgent. Operator: I know you are someone and you need to speak to anyone. But what's the urgent matter about? Caller: Well, just tell my sister Annie Wan, that our brother Noel Wan(no one) was involved in an accident.Noel Wan got injured is being sent to the hospital. Avery Wan(everyone)is on his way to the hosiptal. Operator: Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital,then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this! Caller: You are so Rude! Who are you? Operator: I'm Saw Lee (sorry). Caller: Yes, you should be sorry, Now give me your name!
9:02 AM | back to top
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mEow loves cat
mEow is cat
mEow has 3 cats
mEow is owned by cats
mEow is owned by a woofy
mEow <3 Woofy
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