Who says must give up seats?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Been rushing my report this morning. Slept at 11plus,but was a restless night. Woke at 1am,3am,4am,5am finally awaken by my cutie maoMao at 545...her breakfast time..she nudged and screamed me outta bed..and grumpy me got up, fed her and start on my letter writing.
Gave intensive tuition to my cousin yesterday, and me, as the tutor is more, if not,jus as tired as she is..cos the exam paper does not have ans...and O'lvl is like some...5years ago?And I m not exactly good in maths...was pretty tough though I could do most of the questions...that is..if I flip thru the comprehensive notes that my sis gave my cousin..
Oh, by the way, had to attend some product training this morning. Lucky my boss came to pick me up..so i have more time to finish my report and rest abit,put on make up...duh..working society is a world such that a no-makeup person is like a living dead person...pale...and...yea..deathly pale..People might tot u r from Venus directly that u have no idea wad L'oreal, Za, maybelline is..
Oh well,watched the 'webcast'...duh...it was a video screening of the talk..cos I missed the actual one...so we sat there and watched the shrieking video...shrieking?cos dunno is the mike or recording sys got prob..keep giving that sharp buzzing sound...I was more listenin on the increasing and decreasing intensty of the sound rather than wad was being said...
Oh...ok..back to the Blog title..Who say must give up seats? On the train, on the bus... Hey...Dun be mistaken..I do... I do give up seats more often than I can remember..to elderly, to pregnant women, or simply to ppl who have cast on their foot though they are perfectly young people.
But why?why the sudden change in mind? Of cos, the attitude that were given sometimes turns u off..Like hw some ppl whom u gave up seats to jus sat down as if u owe them the seats without a word of thanks...though generally, ironically, the less educated elderly are the ones who will say words of thanks happily while those educated young pregnent women jus...-.-"".... That's when u start thinking...to give or not to give..that is the question...
Besides the attitude..sometimes...i shall say..sometimes..youngsters oso need seats...like the times when i injured my toe... I need the seat bah...straining to maintain balance on an injured toe is no easy task... Plus... sometimes...I m really so so so tired that I really do need to sleep...
Jokes and much sarcasim have been made on how able-bodied people jus do *snap* and fell asleep in a matter of seconds at the sight of people who seems to need the seats more... true...I used to tink..ya...shld give..but hey.. at time like today, I m desperately wanting a seat..cos I need to travel 30min on train..and I badly wanna sleep from the lack of sleep from last nite...
I do remember that during my 1st 3mths day long ago when I had to travel from Tampinese to Boon Lay via train... I was so tired that i fell asleep while STANDING...cool rite...yah..I was tis tired..and today, I was tis tired... Today, i scrambled and squeezed myself on a seat between two guys..and fell asleep...image..safetly...okok.. I will consider bout them later...when I m done with my sleeping...
I m sure many of us...studying students have experiences of staying up late either to study or in more common cases, rushing reports and projects... And in any case, there are times when we are really wantin, wanting, wanting very much to jus sleep..even for 15min, 10min...30min.. It means alot and relieve our sleepness alot.. But nono..able-bodied young people, especially 读书人 should noe better than to give our seats to people who need it more...
Sorry to sound mean..but sometimes... I do tink... Who says must give up seats? Jus tinking la..but well, I guess if i managed to see ppl who need the seat more than me before i doze off...I would most probably give up my seat...at most..stand and sleep again lo....
2:22 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Who says must give up seats?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Been rushing my report this morning. Slept at 11plus,but was a restless night. Woke at 1am,3am,4am,5am finally awaken by my cutie maoMao at 545...her breakfast time..she nudged and screamed me outta bed..and grumpy me got up, fed her and start on my letter writing.
Gave intensive tuition to my cousin yesterday, and me, as the tutor is more, if not,jus as tired as she is..cos the exam paper does not have ans...and O'lvl is like some...5years ago?And I m not exactly good in maths...was pretty tough though I could do most of the questions...that is..if I flip thru the comprehensive notes that my sis gave my cousin..
Oh, by the way, had to attend some product training this morning. Lucky my boss came to pick me up..so i have more time to finish my report and rest abit,put on make up...duh..working society is a world such that a no-makeup person is like a living dead person...pale...and...yea..deathly pale..People might tot u r from Venus directly that u have no idea wad L'oreal, Za, maybelline is..
Oh well,watched the 'webcast'...duh...it was a video screening of the talk..cos I missed the actual one...so we sat there and watched the shrieking video...shrieking?cos dunno is the mike or recording sys got prob..keep giving that sharp buzzing sound...I was more listenin on the increasing and decreasing intensty of the sound rather than wad was being said...
Oh...ok..back to the Blog title..Who say must give up seats? On the train, on the bus... Hey...Dun be mistaken..I do... I do give up seats more often than I can remember..to elderly, to pregnant women, or simply to ppl who have cast on their foot though they are perfectly young people.
But why?why the sudden change in mind? Of cos, the attitude that were given sometimes turns u off..Like hw some ppl whom u gave up seats to jus sat down as if u owe them the seats without a word of thanks...though generally, ironically, the less educated elderly are the ones who will say words of thanks happily while those educated young pregnent women jus...-.-"".... That's when u start thinking...to give or not to give..that is the question...
Besides the attitude..sometimes...i shall say..sometimes..youngsters oso need seats...like the times when i injured my toe... I need the seat bah...straining to maintain balance on an injured toe is no easy task... Plus... sometimes...I m really so so so tired that I really do need to sleep...
Jokes and much sarcasim have been made on how able-bodied people jus do *snap* and fell asleep in a matter of seconds at the sight of people who seems to need the seats more... true...I used to tink..ya...shld give..but hey.. at time like today, I m desperately wanting a seat..cos I need to travel 30min on train..and I badly wanna sleep from the lack of sleep from last nite...
I do remember that during my 1st 3mths day long ago when I had to travel from Tampinese to Boon Lay via train... I was so tired that i fell asleep while STANDING...cool rite...yah..I was tis tired..and today, I was tis tired... Today, i scrambled and squeezed myself on a seat between two guys..and fell asleep...image..safetly...okok.. I will consider bout them later...when I m done with my sleeping...
I m sure many of us...studying students have experiences of staying up late either to study or in more common cases, rushing reports and projects... And in any case, there are times when we are really wantin, wanting, wanting very much to jus sleep..even for 15min, 10min...30min.. It means alot and relieve our sleepness alot.. But nono..able-bodied young people, especially 读书人 should noe better than to give our seats to people who need it more...
Sorry to sound mean..but sometimes... I do tink... Who says must give up seats? Jus tinking la..but well, I guess if i managed to see ppl who need the seat more than me before i doze off...I would most probably give up my seat...at most..stand and sleep again lo....
2:22 PM | back to top
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