Curious incidents of Elaine in the day...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
One more day and freedom awaits me... I want so much to game, sleep, slack.. Dunno whether I shld work..tight up for money...bills unpaid..yet I just wanna be a normal undergrad,enjoy school life, join cca, and be happy and go ard telling ppl, man, Uni life is great...bt can I?
Ok, I still enjoy my life...Bt would appreciate very much if money can fall from the sky... ya ya..I m lazy..
Oh, anyway, din want to blog til tml de, bt i encountered someting quite interesting, and someting quite downright silly. I gotta blog about it..To remind myself of the silly mistake i make..to remind myself of the strange encounters I met.
Start with the silly mistake... Ya, anyway, today is my Ujian Bahasa Melayu. I set off right on time, even got breakfast. But as luck, or unluck catch me, the stupid non-air con got jammed along clementi again. I had set the buffer time for this kinda jam, but the jam was horrendous today. I set off at the same time as yesterday. I arrived yesterday at 8.35am...and today...horrendously at 855am. Stil gt time. Bt as unluck wld haf it again, I got lost. The stupid Kent Ridge Hall.. Why dun they jus have it at MPSH....Stupid lo... First time in 2years tt I m there...I got off at the wrong stop. Misinterpretated qq's instructions and got off at biz block instead of biz lib block..walked to Eusoff hall instead of Kent Ridge hall (KRH). At 9am. I m still far away. Asking ard, finally came to my pea brain that KRH is at the far far 'downtown' at the end of the road.
Literally, I raced down... it was already 905am.. by the time I found a person to ask for directions, it was 910. Reached the place at 915am. Panting. Struggling to keep my breakfast down. Just my luck. Fortunately my watch was set to 5min fast. So I was late for only 10min. Man, did i say ONLY 10 min? Blo*dy h*ll its a whole 10min. Nt that it affects much, but jus pissed with myself.
Oh, reminded of another curious incident hw I've quarrelled, rather debated fiercely over the usage of Blo*dy , d*mn. I argued that these words aint the best and nicest words to use. It is to me, nt acceptable. TO which it was argued it is a culture. Friends always say "You are d*mn good! You are Bl*ody smart!"... well...is it me?or am I sensitive to take to offense such 'compliments'? If such words are ok, its the culture to use it, hw do u feel if ur love were to stare straight into your eyes dearly, gives a passionate kiss, and hushed,"My love, I love you bl*ody much..."
Oh well, according to various dictionaries, yes, while debating, we flipped through Longman dictionary, Oxford dictionary, and Dictionary.com...and yes, it is an acceptable word to use. It is noted that it is an informal language. outta 10 definations however, only 2 stated its usage as informal; the remaining 8 have negative notion attached. So, is it me? Anyway, I lost the debate. Rather, I conceded and surrendered. Actions speaks louder than words. By way of using this word, I shall 'learn' to recognise that this word as an acceptable word to use. *evil*
The actual curious incident ah...swayed away, yea, is the incident about my printer. Was printing out some notes, and curious me noted the maintainence buttons and start a series of maintainence for my printer. Fun... I wonder hw they did that. Oh, anyway, I also tried out the 'quiet mode' function on the printer. I've gt the printer for a year nw, nv tried out such functions. So I selected this mode.
The nxt ting I know, I saw painful efforts by the printer to roll in the paper quietly, den trying its best to move the printing cartridge silently...the rollers made deliberate efforts to silence the sound.. I was greatly amused by my own personification of the printer...And the printer is..indeed,very silently..with (in my view) strained efforts..lol...
Ok, I know..bo liao... see, I've got dua ujian esok, pada hari pagi dan hari datang. sigh...Let me grumble abit la... I've got Red Bull to spurge me for this final sprint. I know it sucks, aint good for health..But its now or never...
5:14 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Curious incidents of Elaine in the day...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
One more day and freedom awaits me... I want so much to game, sleep, slack.. Dunno whether I shld work..tight up for money...bills unpaid..yet I just wanna be a normal undergrad,enjoy school life, join cca, and be happy and go ard telling ppl, man, Uni life is great...bt can I?
Ok, I still enjoy my life...Bt would appreciate very much if money can fall from the sky... ya ya..I m lazy..
Oh, anyway, din want to blog til tml de, bt i encountered someting quite interesting, and someting quite downright silly. I gotta blog about it..To remind myself of the silly mistake i make..to remind myself of the strange encounters I met.
Start with the silly mistake... Ya, anyway, today is my Ujian Bahasa Melayu. I set off right on time, even got breakfast. But as luck, or unluck catch me, the stupid non-air con got jammed along clementi again. I had set the buffer time for this kinda jam, but the jam was horrendous today. I set off at the same time as yesterday. I arrived yesterday at 8.35am...and today...horrendously at 855am. Stil gt time. Bt as unluck wld haf it again, I got lost. The stupid Kent Ridge Hall.. Why dun they jus have it at MPSH....Stupid lo... First time in 2years tt I m there...I got off at the wrong stop. Misinterpretated qq's instructions and got off at biz block instead of biz lib block..walked to Eusoff hall instead of Kent Ridge hall (KRH). At 9am. I m still far away. Asking ard, finally came to my pea brain that KRH is at the far far 'downtown' at the end of the road.
Literally, I raced down... it was already 905am.. by the time I found a person to ask for directions, it was 910. Reached the place at 915am. Panting. Struggling to keep my breakfast down. Just my luck. Fortunately my watch was set to 5min fast. So I was late for only 10min. Man, did i say ONLY 10 min? Blo*dy h*ll its a whole 10min. Nt that it affects much, but jus pissed with myself.
Oh, reminded of another curious incident hw I've quarrelled, rather debated fiercely over the usage of Blo*dy , d*mn. I argued that these words aint the best and nicest words to use. It is to me, nt acceptable. TO which it was argued it is a culture. Friends always say "You are d*mn good! You are Bl*ody smart!"... well...is it me?or am I sensitive to take to offense such 'compliments'? If such words are ok, its the culture to use it, hw do u feel if ur love were to stare straight into your eyes dearly, gives a passionate kiss, and hushed,"My love, I love you bl*ody much..."
Oh well, according to various dictionaries, yes, while debating, we flipped through Longman dictionary, Oxford dictionary, and Dictionary.com...and yes, it is an acceptable word to use. It is noted that it is an informal language. outta 10 definations however, only 2 stated its usage as informal; the remaining 8 have negative notion attached. So, is it me? Anyway, I lost the debate. Rather, I conceded and surrendered. Actions speaks louder than words. By way of using this word, I shall 'learn' to recognise that this word as an acceptable word to use. *evil*
The actual curious incident ah...swayed away, yea, is the incident about my printer. Was printing out some notes, and curious me noted the maintainence buttons and start a series of maintainence for my printer. Fun... I wonder hw they did that. Oh, anyway, I also tried out the 'quiet mode' function on the printer. I've gt the printer for a year nw, nv tried out such functions. So I selected this mode.
The nxt ting I know, I saw painful efforts by the printer to roll in the paper quietly, den trying its best to move the printing cartridge silently...the rollers made deliberate efforts to silence the sound.. I was greatly amused by my own personification of the printer...And the printer is..indeed,very silently..with (in my view) strained efforts..lol...
Ok, I know..bo liao... see, I've got dua ujian esok, pada hari pagi dan hari datang. sigh...Let me grumble abit la... I've got Red Bull to spurge me for this final sprint. I know it sucks, aint good for health..But its now or never...
5:14 PM | back to top
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