Monday, November 27, 2006
Despite my mugging, I finally understood the essense and beauty of the theories on mere yesterday, when the paper is today..Let's just say I scrapped thru it. Well, I m only a student, I dunno hw well, or bad I did, I only did wad I can, writing what I've comprehend and scribbering as much as I can onto the super cheapo writing material aka exam booklets within the constricted time of 2hrs, to finish 3 questions.
Is it me or is the paper used in exam really of poor quality? Mayb I shld get poorer quality paper when I m writing in everyday life, cos I find that writing on those rough surfaced papers really is a torture. I shld start practicing writing on poor quality paper...My perfect pen that I selected as my weapon for exam fails to glide beautiful across the paper. I fail to draw out beautiful characters, aka writings... I think one would refer to these as symptons of Exam Stress?
It's hard to believe, but do, end of exam is 2 days away. fast aint it? Recall those torturous days of O'lvls, hw its amazing I can survive more than 10papers I guess, taking 8 subjects, and now, struggling with only 5 papers? Gosh, must be age catching up on me...
Feeling abit weird...grumpy, yet wanting to rant, I strongly believe this is... Exam Stress...Its extremely stressful..
In the face of people who take your occasional resting, gaming, watching tv as actions showing you are VERY FREE, you DO NOT study, it gets extremely piss-ing...and makes things stressful, but aggragating the situation with this sterotyping.. I guess this is what sociology refer to as...Labeling Theory, under crime & deviance... whereby a person actions of commiting crime can be explained using this theory, hw they are labelled by 3rd party, and through the self-fulfilling phorpency, likely to commit crime because ppl labelled them to be those type of ppl who commit crime..
Sad aint it? I like to talk bout sociology theories, bt not in exams... A means of making sense of society and actions, but exam makes them uninteresting. Well.. Life...Interest and real life cant really intersect can they? No wonder there is this tendency for ppl to spend the majority of their life doing something they absolutely hate, though finding much joy in the things they do, would strive to retire for some mayb 20 yrs, doing what they really like...
Consider, we have studied and will study for some 20years, mayb? Be working for the next 40 years? or 45 years, but you finally saved up enough to do someting you really really like when you retire, having only possibly 20yrs or shorter to do so. I do salute those who really pursue their dreams...But as Functionalist Theory speaking of hw this power struggle is essential... I guess..we are all trapped in this kinda life... Good for those who find true joy in what they do... I aspire to do so and break free from this social perspective...
Anyway, back to my rants, my rage, my anger and aggrieves...Who have witnessed nights of me studying til wee hours? My life does nt revolve only about gaming, and datin, in case that was the misconception. I have wisely spent my time studying, and unfortunately, it was a case of mere coincidence that I am always spotted when I m relaxing, unwinding. What about times when I've spent sleepless nights studying? Of cos, who could have seen me studying? Everyone else is asleep, except me... Who IS STUDYING...
Ranting away again...grumbling again... at hw it is ironic and painful that people only see the bad flaws of people, despite the good that the person does-- all became Negligible...
Life... sucks? Ya..of cos..thats y one shld take life easy, relax.. and maintain a mind of serenity... If you Can...
7:29 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
Monday, November 27, 2006
Despite my mugging, I finally understood the essense and beauty of the theories on mere yesterday, when the paper is today..Let's just say I scrapped thru it. Well, I m only a student, I dunno hw well, or bad I did, I only did wad I can, writing what I've comprehend and scribbering as much as I can onto the super cheapo writing material aka exam booklets within the constricted time of 2hrs, to finish 3 questions.
Is it me or is the paper used in exam really of poor quality? Mayb I shld get poorer quality paper when I m writing in everyday life, cos I find that writing on those rough surfaced papers really is a torture. I shld start practicing writing on poor quality paper...My perfect pen that I selected as my weapon for exam fails to glide beautiful across the paper. I fail to draw out beautiful characters, aka writings... I think one would refer to these as symptons of Exam Stress?
It's hard to believe, but do, end of exam is 2 days away. fast aint it? Recall those torturous days of O'lvls, hw its amazing I can survive more than 10papers I guess, taking 8 subjects, and now, struggling with only 5 papers? Gosh, must be age catching up on me...
Feeling abit weird...grumpy, yet wanting to rant, I strongly believe this is... Exam Stress...Its extremely stressful..
In the face of people who take your occasional resting, gaming, watching tv as actions showing you are VERY FREE, you DO NOT study, it gets extremely piss-ing...and makes things stressful, but aggragating the situation with this sterotyping.. I guess this is what sociology refer to as...Labeling Theory, under crime & deviance... whereby a person actions of commiting crime can be explained using this theory, hw they are labelled by 3rd party, and through the self-fulfilling phorpency, likely to commit crime because ppl labelled them to be those type of ppl who commit crime..
Sad aint it? I like to talk bout sociology theories, bt not in exams... A means of making sense of society and actions, but exam makes them uninteresting. Well.. Life...Interest and real life cant really intersect can they? No wonder there is this tendency for ppl to spend the majority of their life doing something they absolutely hate, though finding much joy in the things they do, would strive to retire for some mayb 20 yrs, doing what they really like...
Consider, we have studied and will study for some 20years, mayb? Be working for the next 40 years? or 45 years, but you finally saved up enough to do someting you really really like when you retire, having only possibly 20yrs or shorter to do so. I do salute those who really pursue their dreams...But as Functionalist Theory speaking of hw this power struggle is essential... I guess..we are all trapped in this kinda life... Good for those who find true joy in what they do... I aspire to do so and break free from this social perspective...
Anyway, back to my rants, my rage, my anger and aggrieves...Who have witnessed nights of me studying til wee hours? My life does nt revolve only about gaming, and datin, in case that was the misconception. I have wisely spent my time studying, and unfortunately, it was a case of mere coincidence that I am always spotted when I m relaxing, unwinding. What about times when I've spent sleepless nights studying? Of cos, who could have seen me studying? Everyone else is asleep, except me... Who IS STUDYING...
Ranting away again...grumbling again... at hw it is ironic and painful that people only see the bad flaws of people, despite the good that the person does-- all became Negligible...
Life... sucks? Ya..of cos..thats y one shld take life easy, relax.. and maintain a mind of serenity... If you Can...
7:29 PM | back to top
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