Tuesday, December 12, 2006
How far shld you go out to help a friend?
Well, for me, I will do everyting to help a friend...
For a friend's project, I can go and download Photoshop, work til 2am to help complete an assignment that is due the following day. I m nt in the proj gp. Ya.
For friend, I've gone all out, even going out during pre-exam period to borrow a textbook from another friend to lend to this friend cos the friend did not buy textbook. And yes, intended to meet at 9am, bt friend overslept, ended up meet at 10plus. Went all the way to another friend's house to get the book. Ended up whole day travelling wore me out so much so that I din sutdy the day. Gave book to tis friend. Oso dunno tis friend in the end gt read the book ornot.
But to illustrate, this is how much trouble I can go thru to help a friend.
Now, cos my arm got some infection, that according to a doc, spreads if not properly taken care of, I dun wanna go out to where there is too many people. I asked a favor from this friend to help me get a forms which is totally convenient cos fren pass by the place very very very often, since like... friday. Up til today, I have not been able to meet the friend to take the forms...
Meet up pass me the form so difficult? Rather stay home and sleep in the morning...at 10am, 11am, or even 12pm..oso cannot...and reason for nt waking early, cos watching some pplive, some shows thru the nite til 3am...
"Dont ask how much people can do for you, But how much you can do for people."
Is there a limit to this quote?
Is there really saints out there who can keep helping people, the same ones..and expect nothing in return? Not even a favour?when you need it the most?
Ya ya... I m no saint. I m Evil Devil. Ya, Evil is my middle name. From now on.
人不为己天诛地灭. 对人人慈就是对自己残忍
I tink these will suit me more.
Eat or be eaten.
Indeed. CHoose. For you guys out there who have yet to be eaten. Start eating. Its the survival of the strongest out here in this cruel meritocratic world. Every move is strategic. A person's worth based on how much he can be 'used'....
Oh yea, side track abit, if u noticed, yes, another unfortunate incident happened to me. My arm swell. Greats. Went to have it painfully treated. Had 4 deep piercing thru the already-very-painful-that-touch-oso-will-scream-spot. And same, had cups to suck out the bad blood. This time, its two cups of clotted blood, supposedly clotting cos they are bad blood, not healthy ones.
This kinda swell is a kinda infection, that according to his dad, is rare among modern people like us. Kampung people used to have it often... Guess I got it from cutting the stupid rotten sweet potato that releases flies together with it when we were cooking sweet potato soup the other day.
Super sway lo...tis kinda 'rare disease' I also can ganna. From cornear tear, to wrist sprain, to old knee pain, to toe near dislocation. Name the injury, I got the injury. When Oh WHEN will bad luck stop following me?
More sway thing is, where is help when I need it the most? I can go all out, go the extra extra mile to help a friend. Is this request to meet me pass the form to me that difficult?
Damn shit.
Trust no one but Thyself. Depend on no one but Thyself.
11:53 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
How far shld you go out to help a friend?
Well, for me, I will do everyting to help a friend...
For a friend's project, I can go and download Photoshop, work til 2am to help complete an assignment that is due the following day. I m nt in the proj gp. Ya.
For friend, I've gone all out, even going out during pre-exam period to borrow a textbook from another friend to lend to this friend cos the friend did not buy textbook. And yes, intended to meet at 9am, bt friend overslept, ended up meet at 10plus. Went all the way to another friend's house to get the book. Ended up whole day travelling wore me out so much so that I din sutdy the day. Gave book to tis friend. Oso dunno tis friend in the end gt read the book ornot.
But to illustrate, this is how much trouble I can go thru to help a friend.
Now, cos my arm got some infection, that according to a doc, spreads if not properly taken care of, I dun wanna go out to where there is too many people. I asked a favor from this friend to help me get a forms which is totally convenient cos fren pass by the place very very very often, since like... friday. Up til today, I have not been able to meet the friend to take the forms...
Meet up pass me the form so difficult? Rather stay home and sleep in the morning...at 10am, 11am, or even 12pm..oso cannot...and reason for nt waking early, cos watching some pplive, some shows thru the nite til 3am...
"Dont ask how much people can do for you, But how much you can do for people."
Is there a limit to this quote?
Is there really saints out there who can keep helping people, the same ones..and expect nothing in return? Not even a favour?when you need it the most?
Ya ya... I m no saint. I m Evil Devil. Ya, Evil is my middle name. From now on.
人不为己天诛地灭. 对人人慈就是对自己残忍
I tink these will suit me more.
Eat or be eaten.
Indeed. CHoose. For you guys out there who have yet to be eaten. Start eating. Its the survival of the strongest out here in this cruel meritocratic world. Every move is strategic. A person's worth based on how much he can be 'used'....
Oh yea, side track abit, if u noticed, yes, another unfortunate incident happened to me. My arm swell. Greats. Went to have it painfully treated. Had 4 deep piercing thru the already-very-painful-that-touch-oso-will-scream-spot. And same, had cups to suck out the bad blood. This time, its two cups of clotted blood, supposedly clotting cos they are bad blood, not healthy ones.
This kinda swell is a kinda infection, that according to his dad, is rare among modern people like us. Kampung people used to have it often... Guess I got it from cutting the stupid rotten sweet potato that releases flies together with it when we were cooking sweet potato soup the other day.
Super sway lo...tis kinda 'rare disease' I also can ganna. From cornear tear, to wrist sprain, to old knee pain, to toe near dislocation. Name the injury, I got the injury. When Oh WHEN will bad luck stop following me?
More sway thing is, where is help when I need it the most? I can go all out, go the extra extra mile to help a friend. Is this request to meet me pass the form to me that difficult?
Damn shit.
Trust no one but Thyself. Depend on no one but Thyself.
11:53 PM | back to top
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mEow is cat
mEow has 3 cats
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mEow is owned by a woofy
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