Pig Pig
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I jus grabbed home a kitty.
Her name is Pig. Or, Pigpig.
Why? cos on the way to the vet, suddenly, she snuggled into the clothes, suddenly there is a stinky smell.Suddenly I realised, THIS KITTY FARTED. She 放屁..thus..Pi, or Pig, is her name.
Actually, was tinking calling her Fang. cos she keeps biting me. but then, abit fierce. Then tinking, I wanna have a dog called Cat. A cat called Dog. Den give them names like a cat called hamster, rabbit,dog, guinea pig. So, after much thought, call Pig. Bah.
At least, for the moment. Til a more suitable name comes along.
My mum hates the name btw.
Speaking of hate, maomao hates the new cat. He ignore me. He hates me too. He sulks. And he hates me.
Wad's wrong with my Pig?
Was telling 龟龟 that my mao hates my Pig. And we were discussing that mayb maomao is a gay, so he is not moved by the pretty gal Pig, and HATES her. Then I was telling her, her hams also gay. The two male hams murdered the female ham who is in the same cage.
So as we are arguing who's pet is gay, we tot of this phrase, and I say, you dare I dare pei u. And she replied done. And here we have:
If u are wondering, yes, there are homosexual animals. Its natural instincts. Really! Google it yourself. It IS possible. And I seriously, after researching, cfm that 龟龟's hams are gay. Labels: photo, pig
12:55 AM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
Pig Pig
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I jus grabbed home a kitty.
Her name is Pig. Or, Pigpig.
Why? cos on the way to the vet, suddenly, she snuggled into the clothes, suddenly there is a stinky smell.Suddenly I realised, THIS KITTY FARTED. She 放屁..thus..Pi, or Pig, is her name.
Actually, was tinking calling her Fang. cos she keeps biting me. but then, abit fierce. Then tinking, I wanna have a dog called Cat. A cat called Dog. Den give them names like a cat called hamster, rabbit,dog, guinea pig. So, after much thought, call Pig. Bah.
At least, for the moment. Til a more suitable name comes along.
My mum hates the name btw.
Speaking of hate, maomao hates the new cat. He ignore me. He hates me too. He sulks. And he hates me.
Wad's wrong with my Pig?
Was telling 龟龟 that my mao hates my Pig. And we were discussing that mayb maomao is a gay, so he is not moved by the pretty gal Pig, and HATES her. Then I was telling her, her hams also gay. The two male hams murdered the female ham who is in the same cage.
So as we are arguing who's pet is gay, we tot of this phrase, and I say, you dare I dare pei u. And she replied done. And here we have:
If u are wondering, yes, there are homosexual animals. Its natural instincts. Really! Google it yourself. It IS possible. And I seriously, after researching, cfm that 龟龟's hams are gay. Labels: photo, pig
12:55 AM | back to top
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