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I love Mao Mao MORE!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

YTd, after my exams which means I've unofficial graduated, we went on a little celebration. Went to Illuma for movie and watched Taken, pretty disturbed by the show bt well, nevetheless a good show.

After that went to orchard to eat churros and sushi tei.

While walkin along orchard road, I spotted Fiona Xie (no, not in bikini), but jus casually dressed. After she pass by us for some time, I casually asked,"did u see her? Fiona Xie."

woofy went,"REALLY??? WHERE? WHERE?!! *excitedly* "

mEow, "*snarl* HISS*"

men.... tsk tsk....

Later in the night, I casually proposed to him ,"Will u marry me?" and got rejected!



I asked maomao jus a while ago, Will u marry me??

He looked me in the eyes, and purred like no one's biz...


Maomao, I love u, MORE (than woofy)!



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