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I feel like a dumbass...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Please find the appeal result as follows:
Appeal Details
Appeal No : 200710076807
Appeal Type : Appeal/Change of Tutorial Class
Module : SC1101E - Making Sense of Society
Activity Type : TUTORIAL
Class No : DE1
Appeal Reason :

Dear Sir/Mdm,

I have tried balloting for various slots for this module during the first balloting but failed to secure a slot. I attempted balloting for other slots but to my dismay found that not only I was not allocated the slot I wanted so much, I was not allocated any slots because the few other slots I ballot for were full as well.

I really do wish to get the slot (DE1) very much because it is on a Monday morning. I have planned to be doing intensive revision on the module because of the complexity and controversy nature of the module and had wanted to use the first lesson of the week tutorial to clarify my thoughts( if any) with the tutor before misconception comes into the picture. Therefore I badly do wish that I can get the slot, which unfortunately I did not.

I sincerely hope that on account of my keen interest in the module and tutorial slot, my appeal for the above slot be granted.

Thank you very much.
After my very nice appeal letter. Which totally make me wanna puke coz it is so fake...coz comeon la, plan is plan, but whether i will b really intensively studying the module is another ting. And to make me say such mushy things is like..totally..eeks..

Oh, the dumbass thing that I done. Appeal is rejected. coz now can stil add/drop/swap session. DUh! Bt weird thing is, I entered and cannot do anything to it.cant add nor swap coz it was jus a simple - NA - there. Oh well, the add/drop/swap button was up only after I sent out this totally mushy untrue dumbass letter.

Kinda feel like u kiss the ass of a person and realised that the person is nt ur newly appointed boss who u wanted to suck up to.

Gosh... I guess I m gettin more crude these days... Well, mayb my job kinda polluted my langauge.

Oh, anyway, been in quite a bad mood these days... After being called a bitch...oh well, tt bitch incident simmer down... following that, another exciting event was that my ankle got smashed by a hardwood that flip-fell like a trap when i open the door to tutorial room. Are they trying to make me pay back for being late the last tutorial? Anyway, jus feel really... well..shitty... bout being the ONLY ONE who got smashed by the stupid block of wood. And i absolutely do not know why that piece of wood was placed there.

The only reason i could tink of is that it is there to trap me. to smash my ankle. Nono..Its not fatal, major. not entitled to claim although my policy have accidental rider. But jus pissed my whole mood for the day.


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