Flight of the bumble bee Roach
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I seems to have this strange 缘分with roaches… I do remember how one had happily danced on my foot on the nite of CNY... and every nite when I come home, one or some of roaches will be crouching near the flowerpots seemingly waiting to spring out any time… and some would so daringly stand in the middle of the corridor, as if scorning me, “If u dare, get pass me~”
And yes, last nite, at 12 midnite plus… heard something whizzing above at the light. Must b some beetles I tot. but something jus urged me to look up. Had such a shock when I look up and see the most disgusting fat totally yucks roach flying happily above. Fortunately I m sitting some distance away from the light, so I m not directly beneath the roach.
“If u dare to come down, my mao mao will catch u~” I tot to myself…hoping that this wld calm me… as if the roach understands me, it happily whiz around the ceiling, landing on the high wall on the ceiling.
Poor maoMao look so wanting to catch it, as it sat there watching the roach do its flight. Upon seeing that it landed somewhere, I ran out of the room. Returning with the lethal weapon…. 
The roach trembled at the first spray… then my maomao ran out, sensing the 杀气 that the insecticide haf. Then it flew somewhere, den I ran out too. yucks, later it fly to me how? Judging on the strange 缘分, I wont be surprised if it does run to me. Eeks!
As I told/complain/whimper to SomeOne, I ‘vacuum’ the room with insecticide. Meaning, I polluted the air in the room totally with insecticide. Disgusted with the roach, yucks, I go and bathe again…eeks…roaches are such disgusting dirty creatures…if my sensei noe I make such a big fuss over something so much smaller than me…he wld probaly go -.-"".... but seriously, roaches…are…disgustingly dirty mah….one day, one day..i shall master courage n learn nt to b afraid of roaches….one day….one day….
Wrote a note to tel tt there is roach in my room. So tt no one will open it n allow the roach to run out…

Then…I m going to sleep. No care. Then as I was about to sleep… I remembered something… my newly got cutie lil penguin is in the room…with the roach…and suffocating in the insecticide-vacuumed room. my penguin…. Despite my fears, I rush in to rescue my lil penguin. Can imagine hw it b if the roach landed on her…then… I really sleep….(lucky din dream of the roach)…

Cute rite? Coincidently, when I was bout to show my sis tis cutie tis morning, she at the same time was showing the March of the Penguins Wad an ‘exciting’ nite… -.-“”
added: My 'Trophy'.....up close n personal

3:32 PM | back to top Go to older postsGo to newer posts
 Flight of the bumble bee Roach
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I seems to have this strange 缘分with roaches… I do remember how one had happily danced on my foot on the nite of CNY... and every nite when I come home, one or some of roaches will be crouching near the flowerpots seemingly waiting to spring out any time… and some would so daringly stand in the middle of the corridor, as if scorning me, “If u dare, get pass me~”
And yes, last nite, at 12 midnite plus… heard something whizzing above at the light. Must b some beetles I tot. but something jus urged me to look up. Had such a shock when I look up and see the most disgusting fat totally yucks roach flying happily above. Fortunately I m sitting some distance away from the light, so I m not directly beneath the roach.
“If u dare to come down, my mao mao will catch u~” I tot to myself…hoping that this wld calm me… as if the roach understands me, it happily whiz around the ceiling, landing on the high wall on the ceiling.
Poor maoMao look so wanting to catch it, as it sat there watching the roach do its flight. Upon seeing that it landed somewhere, I ran out of the room. Returning with the lethal weapon…. 
The roach trembled at the first spray… then my maomao ran out, sensing the 杀气 that the insecticide haf. Then it flew somewhere, den I ran out too. yucks, later it fly to me how? Judging on the strange 缘分, I wont be surprised if it does run to me. Eeks!
As I told/complain/whimper to SomeOne, I ‘vacuum’ the room with insecticide. Meaning, I polluted the air in the room totally with insecticide. Disgusted with the roach, yucks, I go and bathe again…eeks…roaches are such disgusting dirty creatures…if my sensei noe I make such a big fuss over something so much smaller than me…he wld probaly go -.-"".... but seriously, roaches…are…disgustingly dirty mah….one day, one day..i shall master courage n learn nt to b afraid of roaches….one day….one day….
Wrote a note to tel tt there is roach in my room. So tt no one will open it n allow the roach to run out…

Then…I m going to sleep. No care. Then as I was about to sleep… I remembered something… my newly got cutie lil penguin is in the room…with the roach…and suffocating in the insecticide-vacuumed room. my penguin…. Despite my fears, I rush in to rescue my lil penguin. Can imagine hw it b if the roach landed on her…then… I really sleep….(lucky din dream of the roach)…

Cute rite? Coincidently, when I was bout to show my sis tis cutie tis morning, she at the same time was showing the March of the Penguins Wad an ‘exciting’ nite… -.-“”
added: My 'Trophy'.....up close n personal

3:32 PM | back to top
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